Criminal Law (Books and Journals)
- Crime, safety and victims’ rights. Fundamental rights survey by: European Union Publications Office, 2021
- State of play of existing instruments for combating impunity for international crimes by: European Union Publications Office, 2020
- The OLAF report 2019. Twentieth report of the European Anti-Fraud Office, 1 January to 31 December 2019 European Union Publications Office, 2020
- Hate speech and hate crime in the EU and the evaluation of online content regulation approaches by: European Union Publications Office, 2020
- Study on framework of best practices to tackle child sexual abuse material online. Executive summary (English) European Union Publications Office, 2020
- Study on the interaction between security and wildlife conservation in sub-Saharan Africa. Summary report European Union Publications Office, 2019
- Preventing fraud and corruption in the European Structural and Investment Funds. Taking stock of practices in the EU Member States by: European Union Publications Office, 2019
- Preventing fraud and corruption in the European Structural and Investment Funds by: European Union Publications Office, 2019
- Detecting and protecting victims of trafficking in hotspots by: European Union Publications Office, 2019
- Mapping of corruption in sport in the EU. A report to the European Commission by: European Union Publications Office, 2019
- Illegal content online. Report European Union Publications Office, 2019
- El derecho penal armonizado de la Unión Europea by: Dykinson, 2014
- Direito Penal Europeu by: JH Mizuno, 2007
- Proyecto alternativo de persecución penal europea by: Dykinson, 2007
- El fraude de subvenciones de la Unión Europea by: Dykinson, 2005
- Cuestiones del Derecho Penal europeo by: Dykinson, 2005
- Experiences of violence
- Experiences of harassment
- Property crime - experiences of burglary and fraud
- Reporting crime victimisation experiences
- Willingness to take action as a witness of crime
- Worry about crime and risk avoidance
- Concluding remarks
- Annex I: Socio-demographic and other characteristics considered in the analysis
- Annex II: Methodology
- Foreword
- FRA's Fundamental Rights Survey
- Key findings and FRA opinions
El libro blanco sobre inteligencia artificial de la Comisión Europea: reflexiones desde las garantías esenciales del proceso penal como 'sector de riesgo'
Se realiza en este trabajo un análisis crítico de los aspectos del Libro Blanco sobre Inteligencia Artificial de la Comisión Europea relacionados con los derechos y garantías esenciales en un proceso penal. Expuestas las características clave del que será el nuevo marco regulador y los potenciales riesgos a que se tendrá que hacer frente en este ámbito, se abordan algunas herramientas basadas en...
- Executive summary
- Introduction and methodology
- Overview of existing accountability mechanisms
- Overview of the EU policy framework
- Country situations
- Conclusion
- Recommendations for future EU action
- Recommendations for the European Parliament
- List of abbreviations
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Executive summary
- International legal framework
- Foreword
- Comparative analysis of selected member states
- Mission and mandate
- Conclusions
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