No. 30-1, January 2024
- Bank ownership concentration and stock price informativeness: International evidence
- CEO marital status and corporate cash holdings
- Corporate culture and IPOs
- Debt structure, economic stimulus and firm investment efficiency
- Do boutique investment banks have the Midas touch? Evidence from M&As
- Do fund managers time momentum? Evidence from mutual fund and hedge fund returns
- Do new CEOs really care about innovation?
- Equity market and the transmission channels of monetary policy: Before and after the zero lower bound
- Gender, workplace preferences and firm performance: Looking through the glass door
- Insider trading in multinational firms
- Institutional shareholder services' proxy voting guidelines and ROE management
- Investor sentiment and the risk–return relation: A two‐in‐one approach
- Issue Information: European Financial Management 1/2024
- Lead independent director and earnings management
- Lending quality and contracts enforcement reforms
- Option‐implied information and quality of patents
- Ordeal by innocence in the big‐data era: Intended data breach disclosure, unintended real activities manipulation
- Social networks and managerial rent‐seeking: Evidence from executive trading profitability
- The influence of cultural tightness–looseness, religiosity, and the institutional environment on tax evasion behaviour: A cross‐country study