Washington: global warming not an issue in U.S. election campaign.

PositionKIOSQUE: Global highlights and local sidelights culled from the media - Brief article

During a U.S. presidential campaign viewed as one of the liveliest in recent years, the often-heated political debate seems to have frozen-out a major international concern: global warming. The League of Conservation Voters analyzed transcripts of 171 televised interviews and debates with the Democratic and Republican candidates. Out of 3,000 questions asked by interviewers, only six of them concerned climate change.

"Global warming is unequivocally one of the biggest issues facing the nation and the planet, and one of the issues that the next president will have the greatest impact on. And yet we've gone through the longest presidential primary in our nation's history, and these reporters are ignoring this most pressing issue," according to Navin Nayak, director of the global-warming program of the pro-environmental lobby, the League of Conservation Voters.

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