
AuthorCastaño, Jonatan; Centeno, Clara; Jakobsone, Mara; Kluzer, Stefano; Troia, Sandra; Vuorikari, Riina; Cabrera, Marcelino; O'Keeffe, William; Zandbergs, Uldis; Clifford, Ian; Punie, Yves
DigCompSAT: A Self-reflection Tool for DigComp
The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) provides a comprehensive approach for
digital competence that can be adapted to many areas of life. The DigCompSat tool aims at testing empirically
the set of DigComp 2.1 competences corresponding to levels 1 to 6 (foundation, intermediate and advanced) .
It can be considered that these are the most widely needed digital competence levels for most European citizens
for their employment and career development.
The tool is designed wi th a methodological perspective that allows measuring of digital competence by the
three elements - knowledge, skills and attitude for each of the 5 DigComp areas. It also provides respondents
with a self-reflection path on their digital competence.
The tool was piloted in Irela nd, Latvia and Spain by 1 6-65 year old individuals. The selected countries
represented the three co untry categories defined by the Digital Skills Index (DSI) in 2020 regarding the
percentage of the no- and low-skilled population in the society: Ireland over EU a verage, Spain close to EU
average, and Latvia below EU average.
The piloting provided reliable feedback of digital competence level for the 5 competence areas for different
age and gender groups, education and digital skills levels. The DigComp tool has sound psychometric properties,
including the validity and internal consistency of the items. The tool is able to perform three main functions for
test takers: measuring existing competences based on the respondents’ self-reflection; identifying competence
gaps; and raising awareness. The conciseness of the items a llowed a test-time of less than 30 minutes across
different countries, age and educational background groups and genders.
This report describes the process and methodology taken to achieve the result. The annexes provide the
statistical data and the Item Bank used. To ac hieve the Item Bank, a number of experts and users have been
involved in iterative consultations and focus groups as part of the applied methodology during the initial design,
validation and development process of the tool.

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