
AuthorFrancesca Torti - Marco Riani - Anthony C. Atkinson - Domenico Perrotta - Aldo Corbellini
ProfessionEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) - University of Parma, Italy - London School of Economics, UK - European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) - University of Parma, Italy
This report focuses on robust regression tools that are at the core of a JRC system for the routine generation
and dissemination of EU import prices and the detection of patterns of anti-fraud relevance in large volumes
of trade. These tools have been implemented in SAS in the context of a project supported by the Hercule III
program of the European Commission. Although the development framework is very specif‌ic to anti-fraud,
the applicability of the SAS package is much wider and the underlying models (previously conceived by the
academic co-authors of the report) are very general.
The forward search (FS) is a general method of robust data f‌itting that moves smoothly from very robust
to maximum likelihood estimation. The regression procedures are already included in a MATLAB toolbox,
FSDA, developed by the same authors of this report. The work on a SAS version of the FS originates
from the need for the analysis of large data sets expressed by law enforcement services operating in the
European Union that can use our SAS software for detecting data anomalies that may point to fraudulent
customs returns. The series of f‌its provided by the FS leads to the adaptive data-dependent choice of highly
ef‌f‌icient robust estimates. It also allows monitoring of residuals and parameter estimates for f‌its of dif‌fering
robustness. Our SAS package applies the idea of monitoring to several robust estimators for regression for
a range of values of breakdown point or nominal ef‌f‌iciency, leading to adaptive values for these parameters.
Examples in the report are for S estimation and (not yet included in FSDA) for Least Median of Squares
(LMS) and Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) regression.
Specif‌ic to our SAS implementation, we describe the approximations used to provide fast analyses of large
datasets using a FS with batches. We also present examples of robust transformations of the response in
regression. Further, our package provides the SAS community with methods of monitoring robust estimators
for multivariate data, including multivariate data transformations.

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