
AuthorEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EU body or agency)
Neither EIGE nor any person acting on behalf of EIGE is responsible for the use that might be made of the following
Luxembourg: Publications Oce of the European Union, 2019
Print ISBN 978-92-9482-232-1 doi:10.2839/636857 MH-01-19-277-EN-C
PDF ISBN 978-92-9482-231-4 doi:10.2839/50272 MH-01-19-277-EN-N
Cover image: Eviart/
© European Institute for Gender Equality, 2019
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged, the original meaning is not distorted and EIGE is not liable for
any damage caused by that use. The reuse policy of EIGE is implemented by the Commission Decision of 12 December
2011 on the reuse of Commission documents (2011/833/EU).
This guide was developed as part of a study commis-
sioned by the European Insti tute for Gender Equality
(EIGE) on risk assessment by police of intimate par t-
ner violence against women. The guide was prepared
by the I stituto per la ricerca sociale/Mediterra nean
Institute of Gender St udies (IRS/MIGS) in close coop -
eration with EIGE staff including Cristina Fabre Ros-
sel, Jurgita Peciuriene, Vasiliki S aini, Jennifer Stewar t,
Erika Toivonen and Kat arzyna Wolska -Wrona. The
staff of EIGEs gender-based violence programme
would also l ike to t hank ot her coll eagues f or thei r in-
tellectual contributions, administrative support and
The main author s of this guide are Susana Pavlou
and Marsha Scott, senio r re searchers at IRS/MIGS.
Other contribu tors from IRS/MIGS w ere Flavia Pesce,
Stalo Lesta and Elena F errari.
EIGE would especially like to thank Dr Amanda Lea
Robinson, Profes sor of Criminology at the Scho ol of
Social Sciences at Cardiff Universit y, who contributed
to the quality assura nce of this guide.
A particular t hank you to experts who par ticipated
in the consultation meetings for their contributions ,
specifical ly to those who agreed to contri bute to the
revision of the final guide. Further details can be
found in Annex 4.
The European Institute for Gender Equality
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an
autonomous body of the European Union established
to strengthen gender equality across the EU. Equality
between women and men is a fundamental value of the
EU and EIGEs task is to make this a reality in Europe and
beyond. This includes becoming a European knowledge
centre on gender equality issues, supporting gender
mainstreaming in all EU and Member State policies, and
ghting discrimination based on sex.
European Institute for Gender Equality, EIGE
Gedimino pr. 16
Tel. +370 52157444

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