
AuthorEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EU body or agency)
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Luxembourg: Publications Oce of the European Union, 2019
Print ISBN 978-92-9482-234-5 doi:10.2839/37233 MH-01-19-278-EN-C
PDF ISBN 978-92-9482-233-8 doi:10.2839/39960 MH-01-19-278-EN-N
Cover image: gerasimov_foto_174/
© European Institute for Gender Equality, 2019
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged, the original meaning is not distorted and EIGE is not liable for
any damage caused by that use. The reuse policy of EIGE is implemented by the Commission Decision of 12 December
2011 on the reuse of Commission documents (2011/833/EU).
This overvie w was developed as part of th e study
commissioned by the European Ins titute for Gender
Equality (EIGE) o n risk assessment by police of inti -
mate partn er violence against w omen. The report
was prepared by the Ist ituto per la Ricerca Social e
(IRS) and the Mediterranean Institute of Gender St ud-
ies (MIGS) in close cooperation with colleagues from
EIGE, including Diogo Costa , Anke Gittenaer, Sofia Ja-
mal, Carmen Lopez, Jurgi ta Peciuriene, Cristina Fabre
Rosell, Vasiliki Saini, Jennifer Stewart, Erika Toivonen
and Katarz yna Wolska-Wrona. EIGEs gender-based
violence programme would also like to thank other
colleagues for their intellectual contributions, admin-
istrative support and encouragement.
The main authors of this report are Susana Pavlou,
senior researcher from MIGS, and Marsha Scott, sen-
ior researcher from IRS. Other contributors involved
from IRS/MIGS were Flavia Pesce, Elena Ferrari and
Daniela Loi.
This overview is accompanied by A guide to risk asses s-
ment and risk management of intimate pa rtner violence
against women for police.
The European Institute for Gender Equality
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an
autonomous body of the European Union established
to strengthen gender equality across the EU. Equality
between women and men is a fundamental value of the
EU and EIGEs task is to make this a reality in Europe and
beyond. This includes becoming a European knowledge
centre on gender equality issues, supporting gender
mainstreaming in all EU and Member State policies, and
ghting discrimination based on sex.
European Institute for Gender Equality, EIGE
Gedimino pr. 16
Tel. +370 52157444

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