
AuthorBellia, M.; Kounelis, I.; Anderberg, A.; Calès, L.; Andonova, E.; Pólvora, A.; Petracco Giudici, M.; Nascimento, S.; Inamorato dos Santos, A.; Rossetti, F.; Papanagiotou, E.; Nai Fovino, I.; Spirito, L.; Sobolewski, M.
1. How blockchain works
The main contributors to this report were: Susana Na scimento (ed), Alexandre Pólvora (ed), Amanda
Anderberg, Elena Andonova, Mario Bellia, Ludovic Cales, Andreia Inamorato dos Sa ntos, Ioannis Kounelis,
Igor Nai Fovino, Marco Petracco, Evangelia Papanagiotou, Fiammetta Rosset ti, Maciej Sobolewski and Laur a
Spirito. We are also grateful to other colleagues fro m the same units who of‌fered their support and feed back:
B.1 Finance & Economy
B.4 Human Capita l & Employment
B.6 Digital Economy
E.3 Cyber & Digital Citizens’ Securit y
I.2 Foresight, Mod elling, Behavioural Insights & Design for Policy
I.4 Intellectual Prop erty & Technology Transfer
We also wish to thank colleagues from unit s C.7 Knowledge & Energ y Union (Lorcan Lyons), E.7 Knowledge
for Security & Migration (Massimo Flore) and H. 2 Knowledge Management Methodologies, Communities &
Dissemination (Barbara Mort ara, Marina Pinilla Redondo and Natália Serra) for valuable contributions to
this repor t.
We are particularly grateful to t he reviewers for their insightful comment s: Marcella Atzori (UCL Cent re for
Blockchain Technologies), Balázs Bodó (Blockchain & S ociety Policy Research Lab, University of A msterdam),
Alexandra Giannopoulou (B lockchain & Society Policy Research Lab, Univer sity of Amsterdam) and Dimitrios
Geneiatakis (Joint Research Centre).
A special thank you goes to t he many colleagues from dif‌ferent services in t he European Commission for
their valuable contributions a nd support thr oughout this process.

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