Acronyms and abbreviations

AuthorKorver, Ron
Framew ork for Nati onal Roma Inte gration Strategies u p to 2020
Acronym s and abbreviati ons
CSO civil societ y organisa tion
CSR cou ntr y-specif ic recom mendation
ECEC early childhood education and care
EIA Eu ropean implementation assessment
EMPL European Parliament's Committee for Employment and Social Affairs
EP European Parliament
EPSCO Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council
ESIF Euro pean Structural and Investment Funds
FRA EU Fundamental Rights Agency
LIBE European Parliament's Commit tee for Civil Libe rties , Justice an d Home Affair s
MFF mu ltiannual financial framework
NEET not in employment, educa tion or train ing
NRCP national Roma contact point
NRIS nat ional Roma integration strategy

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