PositionGovernment Activity - Executive Changes - Brief Article

Detailed provisions on the assessment methodology will be set out with the assistance of external expertise and submitted to the Commission for approval in October 2001. It has already been decided that performance appraisals of senior staff will take place at least every second year. Staff from the level of Director upwards have before now never had the opportunity of having their performance regularly appraised. Thanks to the introduction of agreed task assignments and objectives for Directors-General and Directors, it will now become possible to set more objective targets for the most senior levels of the Commission hierarchy, and to assess their performance.Performance appraisal will be based on the achievement of tasks and objectives agreed between the official and his/her superior. It will also assess the degree to which human resource and, where appropriate, financial management have been carried out according to the accepted standards. Finally, the appraisal will take into account the political and human resource constraints under which the official is operating. Obviously, appraisals will play an important role in determining the career prospects of senior level staff. Positive assessments will be taken into account in further appointments and mobility. Likewise, successive negative assessments will lead to special support for the individual concerned as for other staff and, if this is not successful, to the launching of a formal procedure for dealing with professional incompetence.The Commission hopes this innovation will also motivate other staff members who are expected to respond well in a professional situation where the performance of their superiors is being assessed closely. Regular appraisal of performance currently only exists for staff up to A3 level.There are currently 53 officials of A1 grade and 195 of A2 grade in the Commission.Commissioners will directly carry out the assessments of their Directors-General and chefs de cabinet.Selection and appointment procedures.The Commission also proposes to improve selection and appointment...

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