An analysis of the Yugoslav socialist system

AuthorEndri Papajorgji, Greta Alikaj
PositionTirana Business University - Ministry of Tourism of Albania
ISSN 2410-3918 Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences Vol 1 No 1
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania March 2015
An analysis of the Yugoslav socialist system
Dr. (PhD Uni Graz) Endri Papajorgji
Tirana Business University
Msc. Greta Alikaj
Ministry of Tourism of Albania
e Socialist Yugoslav Federation established from 1951 to 1990 introduced the so-called system
of “social ownership. While in the system of planned economy, private property was negated
from “means of production, in the economic system of self-management of workers (Yugoslav
Federation) an object (thing) that was in social property had no owner. In Yugoslavia, from 1974-
1990, the “Basic organization of associated labor” was the institution which met the needs of the
economic system of self-management and social property. e “Basic organization of associated
labor” was dened in Article 14 of the Yugoslav Constitution from 1974 as “a workers union, in
which workers fulll directly or equally their social-, economic- and self-administering rights, and
decide on issues dealing with the socio-economic situation of the organization”. Based on Article
463 of the law “On associated labor” from 1976, this organization consisted of the Council of
Workers, which was also the central- and the decision-making body responsible for all economic-,
nancial-, and administrative issues. e Executive Council was the executive body of this
organization and the Council of Directors was the Supervisory Board talking in the denitions of
commercial legislation (Höcker-Weyand, 1980, 81). In this sense, main objective of this article is to
analyze the Yugoslav socialist economic system in a legal-, socio-, economic approach.
Keywords: Yugoslavia, social property, Self administration of workers, Basic organization of
associated labor, Economy.
Aer the end of World War negotiations were undertaken with the aim of uniting
Yugoslavia. A “Yugoslav Committee” of politicians from Croatia and Slovenia led the
negotiations with the Serbian government. ere were many divergences, but on 20.07.1917
the so-called “Corfu Declaration” about the Union of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia was
proclaimed with the aim of establishing a democratic parliamentary monarchy based on
the self-determination of peoples (Calić, 2010, 79).
e diverse political, social and economic problems of the country, however, were not
solved by the new government (Boškovska, 2009, 74). On 6.1.1929 King Alexander I
therefore annulled the 1921 Constitution and dissolved the (Skupstina-Parliament). e
Constitution of 28.06.1921 (the so-called Vidovdan Constitution) stated in Article 26 that:
„the State, (...) has the right and duty according to the law in the interest of the Community
to intervene in the economic relations of citizens, with the objective of justice and equity of
social injustice. “
e concept of property was dened in Article 37 of the Constitution. It was stated that

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