Annex 1: main transposition and anti-discrimination legislation

AuthorJakub Tomsej
Country: Czechia
Date: 31 December 2019
Title of the law: Act No. 2/1993, Charter of fundamental rights and freedoms
Abbreviation: Charter
Date of adoption: 16 December 1992
Latest amendments: Act No. 162/1998
Entry into force: 1 January 1993
Web link: ww/Pravni_uprava/AJ/Listin
Grounds covered: sex, race, colour, language, religion or belief, political or other
orientation, national or social origin, adh erence to na tional o r ethnic minority, property,
birth or other status
Constitutional law
Material scope: Fundamental rights declared by the Charter
Principal content: Fundamental rights declared by the Charter
Title of the law: Act No. 198/2009, Anti-Discrimination Act
Abbreviation: Anti-Discrimination Act
Date of adoption: 23 April 2009
Entry into force: 1 September 2009/1 December 2009
Latest amendments: Act No. 365/2017
Web link: _predpisy/Anti-
Grounds cove red: race, colour, ethnic origin, ‘nationality’ (národnost), sex, sexual
orientation, age, disability, religion or belief
Civil, administrative law
Material scope: Public employment, private employment, access to goods or services
(including housing), social protection, social advantages, education
Principal content: Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination, reasonable
accommodation, harassment, instruction to discriminate, creation of a s pecialised body
Title of the Law: Act No. 361/2003 on service by members of the securit y forces
Date of adoption: 23 September 2003
Latest amendments: Act No. 235/2018
Entry into force: 1 January 2007
Web link: ~2F2003&rpp=15
Grounds c overed: age, race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, religion and belief, political
orientation, national origin, ‘nationality’ (národnost), ethnic or social origin, property, birth,
marital and family status or family duties, membership of trade unions an d other
Labour law
Material scope: Public employment
Principal content: Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination

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