Annex 1: main transposition and anti-discrimination legislation

AuthorBiljana Kotevska
Country: North Macedonia
Date: 31 December 2019
Title of the Law: Law on Prevention and Protection against Di scrimination
Abbreviation: Anti-Discrimination Law
Date of adoption: 16 May 2019
Latest relevant amendment: n/a
Entry into force: 22 May 2019
Weblink: pdf
Grounds cover ed by the article: race, skin colour, origin, n ationality or ethnicity, sex,
gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, belonging to a marginalised group,
language, citizenship, social origin, education, religion or religious belief, political
conviction, other convictions, disability, age, family or marital status, property status,
health condition, personal capacity and social status or any other grounds .
Civil law
Material scope: All areas (draws specific at tention to: labour and employment;
education, science and sport; social security, including social protection, pension and
disability insurance, health insurance and health protection; judiciary and governance;
housing; public information and media; access to goods and services; membership of
and activity in political parties, associations, foundations, trade unions and o ther
membership organisations; culture)
Principal content: Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination, harassment,
instruction to discriminate, reasonable accommodation, multiple discrimination, creation
of a specialised body
Title of the Law: Law on Labour Relations
Abbreviation: Labour Law
Date of adoption: 28 July 2005
Entry into force: 5 August 2005
Latest relevant amendments: 29 June 2018
Weblink: sten%2074-
Grounds covered: Race, colo ur, se x, ag e, hea lth c ondition , dis abilit y, reli gious ,
politi cal or ot her beli ef, mem bershi p of trad e union , nation al or soc ial orig in, pos ition
of the famil y, prop erty , sexua l orie ntatio n or ot her pe rsonal issue
Civil law
Material scope: Public employment, private employment
Principal content: Regulation of labour relations. Of relevance here: prohibition of direct
and indirect discrimination, harassment
Title of the law: Law on Social Protection
Abbreviation: LSP
Date of adoption: 21 May 2019
Entry into force: 23 May 2019
Latest relevant amendment: n/a
Grounds covered by the article: Race, skin colour, origin, nationality or ethnicity , sex,
gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, belonging to a marginalised group,
language, citizenship, social origin, education, religion or religious belief, political
conviction, other convictions, disability, age, family or marital status, property status,
health condition, personal capacity and social status or any other grounds
Civil law
Material scope: Social protection, social advantages

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