Annex 1: main transposition and anti-discrimination legislation

AuthorOuhnaoui, Hania; Bribosia, Emmanuelle; Navasartian, Areg; Rorive, Isabelle
Country: Belgium
Date: 31 December 2019
Title of the law: Act criminalising certain acts inspired by racism or xenophobia
Abbreviation: Racial Equality Federal Act
Date of adoption: 30 July 1981
Latest relevant amendment: amended by the Acts of 12 April 1994, of 7 May 1999, of 20
January 2003 and of 10 May 2007
Entry into force: 9 June 2007 (entry into force of the Federal Act of 10 May 2007 amending
the Act of 30 July 1981)
Web link:
Grounds covered: Alleged race, colour, descent, ethnic and national origin and nationality
Civil, administrative and criminal law
Material scope: Access to and provision of goods and services (including private housing,
unless another piece of legislation was adopted at the level of the region or the
community); labour relations; social advantages; social protection; membership of, and
involvement in, an organisation of workers or employers, or any organisation whose
members carry on a particular profession, including the benefits provided for by such
organisations; economic, social, cultural or political activities normally accessible to the
Principal content: Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination, including instruction to
discriminate and harassment; civil remedies, and criminal provisions
Title of the law: Act pertaining to fight against certain forms of discrimination
Abbreviation: General Antidiscrimination Federal Act
Date of adoption: 10 May 2007
Latest relevant amendment: 17 August 2013
Entry into force: 9 June 2007
Web link:
Grounds covered: Age, sexual orientation, civil status, birth, property ('fortune', in
French), religious or philosophical belief, actual or future state of health, disability, physical
characteristic, political opinion, trade union opinion and language, genetic characteristic
and social origin
Civil administrative and criminal law
Material scope: Access to and provision of goods and services including private housing;
labour relations; social advantages; social protection; membership of, and involvement in,
an organisation of workers or employers, or any organisation whose members carry on a
particular profession, including the benefits provided for by such organisations; economic,
social, cultural or political activities normally accessible to the public
Principal content: Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination, including instruction to
discriminate and harassment; civil remedies, and criminal provisions
Title of the law: Decree on proportionate participation in the employment market
(Flemish Community/Region)
Abbreviation: /
Date of adoption: 8 May 2002
Latest relevant amendment: 10 December 2010
Entry into force: 1 October 2002
Web link:
Grounds covered: Gender, alleged race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age and
sexual orientation
Civil, administrative and criminal law
Material scope: Access to employment, vocational training, promotion, working conditions,
but only applicable to a) labour market intermediaries; b) the public authorities of the
Flemish Region/Community, including the field of education; c) the other employers with

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