Annex 1: main transposition and anti-discrimination legislation
Author | Latraverse, Sophie |
Pages | 136-139 |
Country: France
Date: 31 December 2019
Title of law: Law No. 92-686 of 22 July 1992 adopting the new Penal Code
Date of adoption: 22 July 1992
Date of entry into force: 22 July 1992
Latest relevant amendment: Article 177 of the law No. 2017-86 of 27 J anuary 2017
Internet link: 9
Grounds protected: all grounds: mores, sexual orientation, sex, pregnancy, gender
identity, belonging, whether real or supposed, to an ethnic origin, a nation, a r ace or a
specific religion, physical appearance, last name, family situation, trade union acti vities,
political opinions, age, health, disability, genetic characteristics, place of residence,
capacity to express oneself in a language other than French, economic vulnerability,
refusal to be a victim of bullying
Criminal law
Material scope: public and private employment, recruitment, sanctions and dismissal,
access to professional training, goods and services
Principal content: prohibition of intentional discrimination in recruitment, sanctions,
dismissal, access to professional training and access to goods and services
Articles 225-1 and 225-2 and 432-7 PC
Title of law: Law on the press of 1881
Date of adoption: 29 July 1881
Date of entry into force: 29 July 1881
Latest relevant amendments: Law No. 2010-1 of 4 January 2010
Internet link: 0722&dateT
Grounds covered: all grounds covered by French law by interpretation: mores, sexual
orientation, sex, pregnancy, gender identity, belonging, whether real or supposed, to an
ethnic origin, a nation, a race or a specific religion, physical appearance, last name, family
situation, trade union a ctivities, political opinion s, philosophical convictions, age, health,
disability, genetic characteristics, place of residence, capacity to express oneself in a
language other than French, economic vulnerability
Criminal law
Material scope: Discriminatory discourse in all situations
Principal content: Provocation to discriminate as defined by Articles 225 -1 and 225-2 PC
The Law on the HALDE incorporates prohibition of provocation to discriminate on the basis
of sex and sexual orientation and disability
Title of law: Law No . 2001-1066 of 16 November 2001 on the fight against
Date of adoption: 16 November 2001
Entry into force:16 November 2001
Latest relevant amendments: Article 86 of Law No. 2016-1547 of 18 November 2016
Internet link: 17&dateTexte=
Grounds protected: all grounds: mores, sexual orientation, sex, pregnancy, gender
identity, belonging, whether r eal or supposed, to an ethnic origin, a nation, a race or a
specific religion, physical appearance, last name, family situation, philosophical
convictions, trade union activities, political opinions, age, health, disability, genetic
characteristics, place of residence, capacity to express oneself in a language other than
French, economic vulnerability, philosophical opinions
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