Annex 1: main transposition and anti-discrimination legislation

AuthorDurbáková, Vanda
Country: Slovakia
Date: 31 December 2019
Title of the law: Act No. 365/2004 on Equal T reatment in Certain Areas and
Protection Against Discrimination (Anti-discrimination Act )
(zákon č. 365/2004 Z. z. o rovnakom zaobchádzaní v niektorých oblastiach a o ochrane
pred diskrimináciou a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov (antidiskriminačný zákon))
Date of adoption: 20.05.2004
Latest relevant amendment: 12.11.2015 (No. 378/2015)
Entry into force: 01.07.2004
Web link:
predpisy/SK/ZZ/2004/365/20160102?ucinnost=31.12.2019; .1.2015.pdf; (English
Grounds covered: sexĽ religion or beliefĽ raceĽ affiliation with a nationality (národnos) or
an ethnic group, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status and family status, colour
of skin, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property,
lineage/gender or other status, or the reason of reporting criminality or other anti-social
activity, contained in Section 2(1) of the Anti-discrimination Act (as well as some other
grounds contained in some other a cts, mainly trade union involvement and unfavourable
state of health, contained, for example, in the Labour Code)
Civil/administrative/criminal law: civil and to some extent als o administrative
Material scope: employment and occupation, s ocial security, social advantages,
healthcare, provision of goods and services including housing and education
Principal content: the basic act transposing the directives
Title of the law: Labour Code No. 311/2001
(zákon č. 311/2001 Z. z. Zákonník práce)
Date of adoption: 02.07.2001
Latest relevant amendment: 18.10.2019 (No. 380/20 19)
Entry into force: 01.04.2002
Web link:
predpisy/SK/ZZ/2001/311/20200101?ucinnost=31.12.2019; F-
506442866/SVK61871.pdf (English version)
Grounds covered: sexĽ religion or beliefĽ raceĽ affiliation with nationality (národnos) or
an ethnic group, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status and family status,
colour of skin, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property,
lineage/gender or other status, or the reason of reporting criminality or other anti -social
activity, contained in Section 2(1) of the Anti-discrimination Act as well as trade union
involvement, unfavourable state of health and genetic features
Civil/administrative/criminal law: civil
Material scope: employment
Principal content: labour relations in private employment and in parts of public
Title of the law: Act No. 245/2008 on Education (Schools Act) (zákon č.
245/2008 Z. z. o výchove a vzdelávaní (školský zákon) a o zmene a doplnení niektorých
Date of adoption: 22.05.2008
Latest relevant amendment: 27.06.2019 (No. 209/2019)
Entry into force: 01.09.2008
Web link

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