Annex 1. Methodological approach

AuthorEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EU body or agency)
Risk assessment and management of intimate partner violence in the EU
Annex 1. Methodological approach
The methodology adopted for the purposes of
this study was a combination of different meth-
ods and techniques. The methods used were
desk research and analysis, fieldwork , and con-
sultation meetings with key s takeholders and ex-
perts on risk assessment and risk management
of intimate partner violence.
Desk research and analysis
The purpose of the desk research and analysis
was to collect and present recent policy and le-
gal and research developments on risk assess-
ment and risk management of intimate par tner
violence, as well as identifying possible common
approaches, differences and challenges in the EU
and the EU Member States.
The desk research was conducted through liter-
ature review in the field of risk assessment and
risk management of intimate partner violence.
The literature review was from 2010 onwards and
was drawn from different sources, encompassing
academic literature and other published reports;
academic journal ar ticles, studies, papers, etc.;
grey literature, including online publications, me-
dia articles, relevant websites, etc.; and publica-
tions and information from both European and
international organisations, on risk assessment
and risk management of intimate par tner vio-
lence, as well as on risk factors.
The purpose of the f ieldwork was to contribute to
filling in gaps within data and information and to ob-
tain richer insights into policy measures and prac-
tices under analysis, as well as to collect feedback
on the main challenges identified. A total of 147 na-
tional experts were selected to be interviewed, with
at least three per Member State. A semi-structured
interview topic guide was used for carrying out the
interviews in order to detect crucial input s on main
challenges and success factors. Interviews were
conducted face to face, via telephone or Skype,
through written replies or in groups.
Consultation meetings
Two consultation meetings with experts took
place. The aims of the meetings were to get rel-
evant information on risk assessment and risk
management of intimate partner violence, to val-
idate key findings and to contribute to the final -
isation of the A guide to risk assessment and risk
management of intimate partner violence against
women for police. In each consultation meeting
16 participants were invited, ensuring equal rep-
resentation from both areas of risk assessment
and risk management, so as to enable a crosso-
ver of experiences and expertise. A geographical
balance among participants in each group was
also considered.

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