Annex 1: table of key national anti-discrimination legislation

AuthorFavilli, Chiara
The main transposition and anti-discrimination legislation at both federal and
federated/provincial level.
Country: Italy
Date: 31 December 2018
Title of the law: Legislative Decree 215/2003 implementing Directive
2000/43/EC on equality of treatment between persons irrespective of racial or
ethnic origin
Abbreviation: Legislative Decree 215/2003
Date of adoption: 9 July 2003
Latest relevant amendment: Art. 28 of Legislative Decree 150/2011
Entry into force: 27 August 2003
Web link: egislativo:2003-07-
Grounds covered: Race and ethnic origin
Civil law
Material scope: Public employment, private employment, ac cess to goods or services
(including housing), social protection, social advantages, educati on
Principal content: Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination, harassment,
instructions to discriminate, remedies and sanctions, creation of a specialised body
Title of the Law: Legislative Decree 216/2003 on the implem entation of
Directive 2000/78/EC for equal treatment in employment and occupat ion
Abbreviation: Legislative Decree 216/2003
Date of adoption: 09 July 2003
Latest relevant amendment: Art. 9, para . 4-ter, Law decree no. 76/2013, converted i nto
law no. 99/2013
Entry into force: 28 August 2003
Web link: egislativo:2003-07-
Grounds covered: Religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation
Civil law
Material scope: Public and private employment
Principal content: Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination, harassment,
instructions to discriminate, remedies and sanctions
Title of the law: Act 67/20 06, Provisions on the judicial protection of perso ns
with disabilities who are victims of discrimination
Abbreviation: Act on the non-discrimination of disabled people
Date of adoption: 01 March 2006
Latest relevant amendment: Art. 28 of Legislative Decree 150/2011
Entry into force: 21 March 2006
Web link: egge:2006-03-01;67!vig
Grounds covered: disability
Civil law
Material scope: All fields (there is no limit to the scope of applicati on)
Principal content: Implementation of th e principl e of equal treatment and equal
opportunity. Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination
Title of the Law: Legislative Decree 286/1998, C onsolidated text of provisions
on the regulation of immigration and the status of foreign citize ns, Articles 43
and 44
Abbreviation: Immigration Decree
Date of adoption: 25 July 1998

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