Annex 2. Tables on risk assessment approaches and tools and risk management interventions

AuthorEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EU body or agency)
European Institute for Gender Equality54
Table 1. Risk assessment approaches and main characteristics
Approach Main characteristics Benets Limitations Risk assessment tools
Unstructured clini-
cal decision-making
Relies on the professional judge-
ment of the practitioner in assess-
ing risk
Allows for exibility and
consideration of the perpe-
trators specic behaviours
and circumstances in the
development of specic vi-
olence prevention strategies
Completely dependent on
the individual characteristics
(training, qualications, expe-
rience) and opinion of the as-
sessor, and therefore may be
perceived as less reliable and
less accurate than structured
risk assessments
Not supported by the use
of tools
No constraints or guidelines are
involved in carrying out the assess-
Can be carried out by profession-
als across sectors
Professional collects information
and renders a risk assessment
based on their own subjective
judgement and discretion, and
actions informed by these are justi-
ed by the professionals qualica-
tions and experience
Annex 2. Tables on risk assessment approaches and tools and
risk management interventions

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