Annex 3. The multiagency risk assessment conference method

AuthorEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EU body or agency)
European Institute for Gender Equality60
Annex 3. The multiagency risk assessment conference method
(137) Robinson, A. L. (2006), Reducing repeat victimisation among high-risk victims of domestic violence: the benets of a coordinated community response in
Cardi, Wales, Violence Against Women: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 12, No 8, pp. 761-788.
(138) Provided by Linda Rodgers, chief executive of Edinburgh Womens Aid, Scotland, November 2018.
A multiagency risk assessment conference, or
a MAR AC for short, is a method of risk manage-
ment for high-risk victims of intimate partner vio-
lence. The MAR AC method, originally developed
in Cardiff, in the United Kingdom, in 2003 (137 ),
has subsequently spread widely across the Unit-
ed Kingdom and has also been introduced in Fin-
land. The method involves several professionals
meeting together to determine the best course
of action to increase the safety of each individual
victim and their children.
The MARAC method involves three steps: risk as-
sessment and referral to a MARAC, sharing infor-
mation and drawing up a safety plan at the MA-
RAC and follow-up after the MARAC.
Risk assessment pre- MARAC
A s tandardised risk assessment form is used to
identify those victims at high risk and thus eligible
for referral to MARAC. (While victims do not often
personally attend MAR ACs, the victims consent
is required to hold a conference in mos t places.)
A safety planning exercise is carried out with the
woman immediately after the risk assessment.
Practical actions might include creating a code
word, organising a second mobile hidden in the
house, working with her on increasing her in-
ternet security, engaging other ser vices to pro-
vide support, engaging other people around the
woman to support her, organising a police mark-
er on the house and other activities, depending
on the woman s (and any childrens) needs. This
can mean that the risk has been reduced by the
time of the MARAC.
When a professional concludes, based on the risk
assessment, that the criteria are met, they will
submit the case to be handled at a MARAC. The
multiagency team participa ting in the conference
consists of professionals from several organisa-
tions, including the po lice, vic tim support servic-
es, child welfare services, housing services, and
community healthc are and medical services.
Risk management in MARAC
The purpose of the MARAC is to create an ac tion
plan to increase each individual victims safety.
A large element of the MAR AC is information
sharing, so that all agencies are aware of the con-
text in which each victim is accessing services,
helping to avoid service-generated risks.
The following are examples of actions taken by
the various members of a MARAC in response to
the risk (138).

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