
AuthorEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU body or agency)
The following are relevan t EU legal instruments to contextual ise FRA’s f‌indings:
nCharter of Fundame ntal Rights of the European Union.
nCouncil Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest wa rrant and the surren der
procedures between Member States.
nDirective 2010/64/EU of the European Par liament and of the Council on the right to in terpretation and translation
in criminal proceed ings, adopted on 20 October 2010, with an i mplementation deadline of 27 Oc tober 2013.
nDirective 2012/13/EU of the European Parliam ent and of the Council o n the right to informatio n in criminal pro-
ceedings, adopted on 2 2 May 2012, with an implementatio n deadline of 2 June 2014.
nDirective 2013/48/EU of the European Parliament and of t he Council on the right of access to a lawyer in crimina l
proceedings and in Eu ropean arrest warra nt proceedings, and on t he right to have a third part y informed upo n
deprivation of lib erty and to comm unicate with third per sons and with consula r authorities wh ile deprived of
liberty, adopted on 2 2October 2013, with an imple mentation deadline of 27November 2016.
nDirective (EU) 2016/343 of the Europ ean Parliament a nd of the Council of 9 March 201 6 on the strengtheni ng of
certain aspec ts of the presumption of i nnocence and of the righ t to be present at the trial i n criminal proceedi ngs,
adopted on 9 March 2016, wi th an implementation deadline of 1 A pril 2018.
nDirective (EU) 2016/1919 of the European Parliament a nd of the Council of 26 October 2016 on leg al aid for suspects
and accused persons in criminal proceedings and for requested persons in European arrest warrant proceedings,
adopted on 26Octobe r 2016, with an implementation dead line of 25 May 2019.
nDirective (EU) 2016/800 of the European Parliam ent and of the Council of 11 May 20 16 on procedural safe guards
for children who are susp ects or accused in criminal proceed ings, adopted on 11 May 2016, with an impl ementation
deadline of 11 June 20 19.
112 Charter of Fundament al Rights of the Europea n Union, OJ 2012 C 326, A rt. 6, Art. 47 and A rt. 48.
113 Council Framework Dec ision 2002/584/JHA on th e European arrest warr ant and the surrende r procedures between M ember States,
OJ 2002 L 190, 18 Jul y 2002.
114 Directive 20 10/64/EU of the European Parli ament and of the Counci l of 20 October 2010 on th e right to interpretati on and translation i n
criminal pr oceedings, OJ 2010 L 28 0.
115 Directive 2012/13/EU o f the European Parliam ent and of the Council of 2 2 May 2012 on the right to in formation in crimi nal proceedings,
OJ 2012 L 142.
116 Directive 2013 /48/EU of the European Parliam ent and of the Council of 2 2 October 2013 on the ri ght of access to a lawyer in cri minal
proceedings a nd in European arrest w arrant proceeding s, and on the right to have a thi rd party informed u pon deprivation of l iberty
and to communi cate with third person s and with consular aut horities while de prived of liberty, OJ 20 13 L 294, Recital (9).
117 Directive (EU) 2016/343 of the Eu ropean Parliament a nd of the Council of 9 March 20 16 on the strengthen ing of certain aspec ts of the
presumptio n of innocence and of the rig ht to be present at the tria l in criminal proceed ings, OJ 2016 L 65.
118 Directive (EU) 20 16/1919 of the European Parl iament and of the Counc il of 26 October 2016 on l egal aid for suspect s and accused
persons in cr iminal proceeding s and for requested per sons in European arres t warrant proceedin gs, OJ 2016 L 297.
119 Directive (EU) 20 16/800 of the European Par liament and of the Coun cil of 11 May 2016 on procedu ral safeguards for chi ldren who are
suspects o r accused in criminal p roceedings, OJ 2016 L 1 32.

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