Annex I: Socio-demographic and other characteristics considered in the analysis

AuthorEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU body or agency)
x I: Socio-demographic
and other characteristics
considered in the analysis
This report examines the survey results with respect to the following socio-
demographic characteristics. Each question apart from those about gender
and age allowed respondents to answer ‘don’t know’ or ‘prefer not to say’.
These answers are not shown when results are disaggregated by socio-
demographic characteristics, because so few respondents selected them.
Respondents were asked whether they would describe themselves as male
or female, or in another way. In total, 32 respondents in the EU-27, United
Kingdom and North Macedonia selected the answer ‘in another way’ (from
zero to six respondents per country), making this group too small for arobust
statistical analysis of their experiences. Therefore, this report does not show
the category ‘in another way’ when disaggregating survey results by socio-
demographic characteristics.
Persons who were 16 years old or older were eligible to take part in the
survey. The only country with an upper age limit (74 years) for respondents
was Austria, where Statistics Austria collected the data.
In each country, the survey presented respondents with alist of levels of
education, in the local language(s) and using the local names for types of
educational institutions. The list was based on the International Standard
Classif‌ication of Education (ISCED) to ensure that the local education
categories could be coded according to aset of standard categories for EU-
level comparative analysis of the results.
Respondents were asked to select the category that best described their
current situation, based on the following list:
unable to work because of long-standing health problems
student, pupil
fulf‌illing domestic tasks
compulsory military or civilian service

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