Annex I: Socio-demographic characteristics considered in the analysis
Author | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU body or agency) |
Pages | 59-61 |
This report examines the survey results with respect to the following socio-
demographic characteristics. Apart from gender and age, in each question
respondents were also offered the possibility to answer ‘Don’t know’ or ‘Prefer
not to say’. These answers are not shown when results are disaggregated
by socio-demographic characteristics due to the low number of respondents
selecting these answers.
Respondents were asked whether they would describe themselves as male,
female, or in another way. In total, 32 respondents in the EU-27, United
Kingdom and North Macedonia selected the answer category ‘in another
way’ (between zero and six respondents per country), making this group
too small for arobust statistical analysis of their experiences. Therefore, the
category ‘in another way’ is not shown when survey results are disaggregated
in this report by socio-demographic characteristics.
Persons who were 16 years old or older were eligible to take part in the survey.
The survey incorporated the questions of the Minimum European Health
Module developed by Eurostat to collect data on self-perceived health. The
module includes the following question:
“For at least the past six months, to what extent have you been limited
because of ahealth problem in activities people usually do? Would you
say you have been… [Answer categories: Severely limited, Limited but not
severely, Not limited at all, Prefer not to say, Don’t know]”
According to Eurostat, the question can be used as ameasure of long-standing
limitations related to physical or mental health problems, illness or disability.
In each country where the survey took place, the respondents were presented
with alist of levels of education, in the local languages and using the names of
the educational institutions. The list was based on the International Standard
Classification of Education (ISCED) to ensure that the local education categories
can be coded back to aset of standard categories for EU-level comparative
analysis of the results.
26 Eurostat (2013), European Health Interview Survey (EHIS wave 2)–
Methodological manual, Luxembourg, Publications Office, pp. 16-17.
Annex I: Socio-demographic
characteristics considered
in the analysis
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