Annex I: Terms of reference

A meta-evaluation of interventions for Roma inclusion
The situation of Roma in E urope is a cause of concern for the EU. Roma are often exposed to individual and
structural discrimination and many of them suffer from social exclusion and poverty.
This is why the situation of the Roma has been the object of major political attention at EU level and
increasingly so in the wake of the 2004/2007 enlargement. The Decade for Roma inclusion (2005 -2015)
marked a coordinated effort by national authorities, international organisations and ci vil society to address
the issue through policy action and support to projects in s upport of Roma com munities. In 2011, the EU
Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies, in line wi th the goals of the Decade of Roma Inclusion,
required Member States to submit national Roma integration strat egies for the period up to 2020, and to
establish National Roma Cont act Points (NRCP). The impact of the Framework has recently been the object of
a mid-term evaluation (ref).
Nevertheless, progress co mes slowly. Indeed, supporting the inclusion of people w ho have been marginalised
and discriminated for centuries i s an enormous challenge. The mentioned significant efforts toward t he
inclusion of the Roma population have sometimes had to come to terms with a widesp read sense of dismay
regarding the seemingly scarce evidence of success.
Identifying what works and why, as well as the rea sons for failure, may be crucial to renew and sustain the
efforts. The effectiveness of actions in support of Roma inclusion (either at project or at national, regional or
local policy level) has in many cases been evaluated retrospectively. An aggregation of the findings in the
various evaluations (or in relevant grey literature, such as reports on results of projects) will provide useful
insight to help strategically direct future actions and projects in the most promising and efficient directio ns.
Against this background the Joint Research Centre (JRC) would like to carry out a meta-evaluation of the
findings of a series of relevant project, programme and measures evaluations completed in the past with the
help of a small group of recognised experts in the field of policies and projects fo r social integration and
Roma inclusion. The results of such analysis could feed the planned impact assessment on a policy proposal
for a post-2020 initiative on Roma inclusion.
Objectives and scope
The purpose of this meta-analysis is to establish a consolidated view of the outcomes of evaluations
conducted and completed i n the past (initial list i n annex), so as to condense knowledge on what works, what
does not and why.
The outcome of the meta-analysis should:
Identify measures and projects with a measurable positive outcome;
Identify the key elements of the projects and meas ures that are working, and outline reasons for
Identify contextual and other factors that might promote/hinder the s uccess of Roma integration
measures in the EU; (for instance: characteristics o f the target group, socio-economic context; roles
and features of agents of the projects; working methods etc)
Make recommendations for the design of future Roma integration interventions (inclu ding
improvement of evaluating interventions, data needs etc.)

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