Annex II: Methodology

AuthorEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU body or agency)
This annex summarises the implementation and data collection outcomes
of the Fundamental Rights Survey. Adetailed description of the survey
methodology and f‌ieldwork outcomes will be available in atechnical report,
which will be published in the second half of 2020. The technical report will
also describe the pre-test study FRA carried out in 2015–2016 to develop the
survey questionnaire, and the piloting that took place in 2017 to help inform
the design of the f‌inal survey, which was conducted in 2019.
People who were 16 years of age and older and had their usual place of
residence in the survey country where eligible to take part in the survey.
The results are representative of this population at the EU-level as well as
for each individual country included in the survey.
The survey was carried out in the 27 EU Member States, the United Kingdom
(an EU Member State at the time the data collection took place), and North
Macedonia (as the only non-EU country with an observer status to FRA at
the time the survey was designed).
In each country, available sampling frames were assessed before mainstage
data collection. The frames that offered nationwide, close to 100% coverage
of the population were selected for use in the survey, to draw arandom
probability sample of respondents and to contact them. These sample frames
could include sources such as population registers or registers of addresses.
In countries where such sample frames do not exist, or national authorities
did not give access to the frames, the sample was selected in amulti-stage
selection procedure, as commonly used in surveys. The addresses of the
population were enumerated in arandom selection of areas within the
countries (partially including random route methods). This method allowed
for aselection of arepresentative sample of people based on the enumerated
In the context of the survey, it was not possible to access existing sample
frames or to use enumeration of addresses in Germany and France. In these
two countries, the data collection used existing online panels.
In all cases, irrespective of the sample frame used, the published results have
been adjusted through weighting so that the key respondent characteristics
of the sample replicate the distribution of key population characteristics in
accordance with off‌icial statistics (see the section on ‘Weighting’ in this annex).
Annex II: Methodology

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