Annex IV: Key data and analytical findings

Sixty-four reports have been analysed including information from 30 countries encompassing more
than 140 interventions. The majority of interventions are developed at national and local level.
Most of the interventio ns reported in the evaluations began in the previous decade (56 %), with very
few in recent years (only 2 % after 2014).
Many of the interventions have been working for more than te n years (36 %) and more than 50 %
are still on going.
Only 44 % of the evaluations report on the budget. The scale of interventions varies and from t hose
reporting 44 % reported more than EUR 10 million.
78 % were external evaluations, 14 % we re internal evaluations and 8 % no conclusive information
on this.
International institutions or organisations ordered 64 % of t he evaluations; national (public)
institutions ordered very few of them.
71 % of the interventions were implemented by civil society (38 %) and public a uthorities (33 %).
75 % of the interventions foll ow a targeted approach, either exclusive to Roma (40 %), either explicit
but not exclusive (35 %).
85 % of the evaluations analysed involved Roma in the evaluation process as beneficiaries of
interventions through opinion surveys, interviews or focus groups.
Looking at the five different areas, by far the most evaluations are in the field of education
Few reports provide information on the gender perspective of the interventions and less t han a third
provides data on the number or share of women beneficiaries.
In more than half of the report reliable baseline data ar e missing, which seriously u ndermines the
robustness of the methods and conclusions.
Few interventions follow an integrated approach.
Few reports provide information on the involvement of Roma in the interventions and when it is
there, it often concerns involvement at the implementation stage.
Basic information on the interventions evaluated
The sixty-four reports analysed cover more than 140 interventions, about equally distributed over policie s,
programmes and projects . This includes interventions developed in 30 countries, mainly from RO, HU, BG, SK,
SI, RS, MK and CZ. Some of the reports evaluate several policies, programme or projects at t he same time.
Annex III: Geographical distribution of the interventions analysed, gives more information on the share o f
interventions per country. The report s analysed cover different levels of interv ention, with the majority at
national (58 %) and local level (34 %), see Figure 1 for more detail.
14 It is noted that many of these budget estimations are referring to an aggregation of different interventions in a
number of countries over a number of years.

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