Annex: Methodology
Author | European Institute for Gender Equality (EU body or agency) |
Pages | 63-82 |
Annex: Methodology
63Intimate partner violence and witness intervention: what are the deciding factors?
Annex: Methodology
Methodology for the desk
The review of evidence (carried out at the level
of the EU and the Member States) was a scop-
ing exercise rather than a systematic review or a
rapid ev idence assessment. Given the expected
uneven evidence base on witness reporting of
intimate partner violence across Member States
and at the EU level, instead of adopting a fixed
procedure, the report relied on the knowledge
of national experts guided by a search proto-
col and data-extrac tion template. While these
tools helped to ensure consistency between out-
puts, they allowed for flexibility in choosing the
search terms and databases most appropriate in
the national context. National expert s adapted
the databases and search terms outlined in the
search protocol to the national language or con-
text (see Table A.2). References to resources within
the most relevant studies identified through the
database search were used to look for other and
more recent publications on the subject.
To ensure the search was restricted to relevant
studies, exclusion criteria were specif ied in the
search protocol (see Box A.1). National experts
were instructed to restric t the search to sources:
relating to witness reporting of intimate part-
ner violence against women (not reporting
by victims, or intimate partner violence more
relating to intimate partner violence against
relating to adult witnesses of intimate part-
ner violence against women (excluding minor
published in the last 10 years (since 2009).
Initially, the desk research at the EU level was
restricted to items published in the last 10 years.
However, given the scarcity of evidence, highly
relevant work on the subject was included even
if the publication date was before 2009. The
geographical scope being restricted to the EU,
studies from outside the EU (mostly Australia
and the United States) were only included if they
were highly relevant and filled a gap in the lit-
erature identified at the EU and Member State
level. Restric ting the scope of the desk research
to sources utilising the exact definition of inti-
mate par tner violence used in this report would
have resulted in a prohibitively small number of
sources. The review also included sources relat-
ing to witness repor ting of domestic violence or
domestic abuse if it was clear that intimate part-
ner violence fell within the definition of domes-
tic violence or abuse used in these s tudies
(Table A.1).
One of the objectives of the desk research was
to map and identify the types of environments in
which reporting of intimate partner violence by
witnesses most often occurs. An environment in
this context was taken to include spaces in which
a witness learns about or comes to suspect inti-
mate partner violence (e.g. at home, in the local
neighbourhood, at work, at the doctors surgery),
as well as the location of the authorities to whom
a report is made (e.g. police station).
Annex: Methodology
European Institute for Gender Equality64
Box A.1. Search protocol
Exclusions and restrictions
Evidence on the following topics falls outside the scope of this review.
Victim repor ting of intimate partner violence. Please exclude such studies. There may be some
instances where sources relating to intimate partner violence in general (including victims) are
relevant, e.g. the legal definition of intimate partner violence and changes in legislation. How-
ever, evidence on and approaches to encourage reporting of intimate par tner violence should
relate to witnesses specifically.
Studies published before 2009. Please exclude studies published more than 10 years ago,
although you may wish to include references to historical change predating this, e.g. changes in
Studies relating to children/minors as witnesses of intimate partner violence. The focus is exclu-
sively on adults (18 years of age or older) who report intimate partner violence.
Studies relating to male victims of intimate partner violence.
Search methodology
This is a scoping exercise rather than a s ystematic review or a rapid evidence assessment. Sources
listed in Table A.1 are indicative only.
Table A.1. List of sources
Academic literature Grey literature Other sources
Database Lexis/Nexis Academic
Web of Knowledge
Google Scholar
government websites
national statistics repositories
Type of source journal articles
reports ocial statistics
policy documents
legislative documents
Table A.2. Suggested search terms
Intimate partner violence Witness reporting Member State
(‘violence ’ OR ‘abuse’)
(‘partner ’ OR ‘spouse’ OR ‘ hus-
band’ OR ‘wif e’ OR ‘boyfrie nd’ OR
‘girlfriend’ OR ‘famil y’)
(‘home’ OR ‘domestic’ OR ‘inti-
mate’ OR ‘relationship ’ OR ‘physi-
cal’ OR ‘sexual ’ OR ‘psychological’
OR ‘economic’ )
AND (witne ss* OR suspec t* OR
bystand* OR aware O R dis-
close OR observe OR know
OR find ou t)
(report OR tell O R authorit*
OR profession* OR case )
AND (country identif ier)
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