Border control in compliance with EU acquis

AuthorMiranda Boshnjaku
Vol. 1 No. 1
January 2017
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
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Border control in compliance with EU acquis
PhD (C.) Miranda Boshnjaku
Nowadays, when economic globalization, international migration and fear towards terrorism
and organized crime have been increased, a proper management of borders is a political
priority, both within EU and wider. The term Integrated Border Management (IBM) refers to the
coordination and cooperation among all law enforcement agencies involved in border security
and facilitation of trade to introduce e cacious systems of integrated border managements, in
order to achieve the common goal for open but controlled and secure borders. Several actors
have been involved in tasks related to the management of state borders in every country.
Although they clearly have a di erent focus and objectives in accordance with their duties
and responsibilities, they work together towards a common strategic goal.
Keywords: border control, EU Acquis, Albania.
Border Control is in line with the National Strategy on Integrated Border Management
and its Action Plan (Inter-sectorial Strategy 2014 – 2020), as approved by the Decision
of the Council of Ministers Nr. 119, dated 5.3.2014 (Inter-agency cooperation;
A) Regulatory Legal Framework; Strategic Objective Nr. 1 “Ensure that legal and
normative acts to be developed will be in full accordance with the acquis communautaire
and best practices”. The dra act is in accordance with the Political Program of the
Council of Ministers, to be adopted in 2016 and is also part of National European
Integration Program for the period 2016-2020.
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