
AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), European Centre of Expertise (ECE)
Flash Re por t 1 2/2018
Decem ber 20 18
Sum ma ry
Several minor ch anges in Bu lgar ian lab our legisl atio n have been introdu ced on the
regular adaptat ion of t he m inim um w age and relig ious holid ays as well as a new law
on person s wit h d isabil ities.
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1 Nation al Le gislat ion
1.1 Mini mum w age
Art icle 2 44, point 1 of the Labour Code provides that t he Council of Min isters set s t he
nat ional m inim um wage. Decree No. 32 0 of 2 0 Decem ber 201 8 (pr omu lgated in Stat e
Gazet t e No. 107 of 28 Decem ber 2018) set the m inim um w ag e for 2019 at BGN 5 60
(EUR 28 0) per month and BGN 3. 37 ( EUR 1.45 ) per hour.
1.2 Per sons w ith disa bili tie s
The National Assem bly ( Parliament) adopt ed a new Act on Persons w ith Disabilities
(p rom u lgat ed in St at e Gazet t e No. 105 of 18 Decem ber 201 8). Ar t icles 3 552 of t his
Act regu late the obligat ions of the State and of t he em ployers for t he employment of
per sons wit h d isabi lit ies. Th ey prov ide th at the Mini str y f or La bour an d So cial Pol icy and
th e Employ m ent Agency ar e responsible for th e or ganisat ion of policy in t his field.
Persons w ith d isabilit ies may make u se of the assist ance of the Em ploym ent Agency to
fin d suit able work , to be inform ed about opport unit ies for em ployment or professional
tr aining, etc. Em ploy ers ar e required t o keep a cer t ain num b er of j obs av ailab le fo r
per sons wit h red uced abil ity fo r w ork an d t o t ake in to accoun t the nee ds o f su ch p erso ns
in the wor k place.
1.3 Re ligio us h olida ys
Art icle 193, para 2 of the Lab ou r Code p rovides that the employer is requ ired to allow
work ers, who belon g t o a relig ion ot h er than Easter n Orthodox Christianity, at t h e
request of th e w ork er, t o use par t of her pa id a nnu al le ave or gran t her u npa id l eave for
th e religious holid ays of her r espect ive religion, but not more th an t he t ota l nu m ber in
day s o f th e Easte rn Orth odox Chr isti an h olid ays. The Counci l of Mini ster s an noun ces t he
holiday s for religion s ot her t han East er n Or thod ox Christianity ev er y y ear. Decree No.
946 of 27 December 20 18 ( pr omulgated i n State Gazet te No. 2 9 of 20 18) announ ced
th ese h olida ys for 201 9.
2 Cou rt Rulings
Not hing to repor t.
3 I m plica tio ns o f CJEU Rulings and ECH R
Not hing to repor t.
4 Ot her r elevant inform ation
Not hing to repor t.

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