The president of UNICE (the employers association), Georges Jacobs, following the recommendations presented at the plenary session of the Convention on February 6, remarked that social progress could only go hand-in-hand with economic progress. He further noted that competitiveness is as important as social protection. In his view social policy is best formulated at national level, and existing competencies are adequate. Furthermore, action at European level should focus on the functioning of the single market and cross-border issues. He also thinks that including a reference to the open method of co-ordination in the Treaty could be useful. However, UNICE "welcomed the recognition of the specific role of the social partners". The proposals that UNICE has already made together with ETUC, CEEP, and UEAPME already accepts that the social partners play an important role in economic and social governance. UNICE also agrees that their responsibilities, their legitimacy and representation role along with their ability to negotiate agreements places them in a unique position. Therefore UNICE agrees that explicit references to the...

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