Calopteryx xanthostoma (Odonata, Zygoptera) present in the southernwest areas of Albania

AuthorEnilda Shkëmbi - Bledar Pepa - Kastriot Misja - Anila Paparisto
PositionUniversity of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Science, Department of Biology - Elbasan University, Faculty of Natural Sciences - University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Science, Department of Biology - University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Science, Department of Biology
Vol. 3 No. 2
September, 2017
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
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Calopteryx xanthostoma (Odonata, Zygoptera) present in the southernwest
areas of Albania
University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Science, Department of Biology
Bledar Pepa
Elbasan University, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Science, Department of Biology
Anila Paparisto
University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Science, Department of Biology
The occurrence of Calopteryx xanthostoma (Order Odonata, family Calopterygidae, genus
Calopteryx) is conrmedfor therst timeinAlbania Ourndings representa newodonata
specie for the odonatofauna of Albania. Our results add to the data of Calopteryx xanthostoma in
theeasternboundaryofthisspecieextendstoEurope totheeasternAdriaticcoastThelack
ofdataforthisspecieuntilnowcanbeexplainedbytheintrogressionofCalopteryx splendens
inthehabitatswherethese twospeciesareencounteredtogether Molecular investigation is
needed for future evaluation of C. xanthostoma populations in Albania.
KeywordsOdonata, Calopterygidae, C. xanthostoma,Albanianewrecords
The Odonatofauna of Albania according to dierent researchers over the years
includes species grouped into  genera  families which they belong to two
fam. Calopterygidae, fam. Lestidae, fam. Coenagrionidae, fam. Platycnemididae.
Aeshnidae, fam. Cordulegastridae, fam. Corduliidae, fam. Libellulidae (Shkëmbi et
especiallyat the adult stage isCalopterygidaefamilyThisfamily is composed of
three subfamilies Caliphaeinae the clearwings Calopteryginae demoiselles
andHetaerininae the rubyspotsmainly It hasgenera withapproximately
speciesThe family iswidely distributed inallcontinents exceptingAustralia and
ofthisfamilyandtheirbiologyhasbeenrecentlyreviewedRüppellet al.Itis
awelldistributed familyboth in temperateand tropical habitatspopulating rivers
and streams.

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