PositionReport - Brief article

The market share of European films is around 3% outside Europe, compared with 26% within the EU, shows a report, published on 15 October, by the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO), a branch of the Council of Europe based in Strasbourg. According to the EAO, in 2010, only 103 European films were released in cinemas oustide Europe. The main foreign markets outside Europe represent around 19% of world admissions for European films.

The report analysed ten client countries': the US-Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, South Korea, Mexico, New Zealand and Venezuela.

France had the largest number of films released (150 outside Europe, accounting for 33% of all European films released in the ten countries evaluated by the report). However, the United Kingdom had the largest number of tickets sold (25 million in the ten countries), accounting for 36%...

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