Compliance and enforcement aspects (horizontal provisions of all directives)
Author | Nicole Kerschen |
Pages | 56-61 |
11 Compliance and enforcement aspects (horizontal provisions of all
11.1 General (legal) context
11.1.1 Surveys and reports about the particular difficulties related to obtaining legal
There are no su rveys or reports about the pa rticular difficulties related to obtaining legal
redress but the Centre for Equal Treatment (CET) addressed this issue in its annual activity
reports of 2018 and 2019.
11.1.2 Other issues related to the pursuit of a discrimination claim
There are no other issues related to the pursuit of a discrimination claim.
11.1.3 Political and societal debate and pending legislative proposals
There is no political or societal debate on these issues, except the requests formulated by
the Centre for Equal Treatment in its annual report previously mentioned (see under
11.2 Victimisation
Regarding victimisation, national equal treatment laws guarantee protection against
adverse treatment for complainants as well a s for witnesses. This applies t o the field of
access to and the supply of go ods and services (Article 10 of the amended Law of 21
December 2007) and to the field of work and employment (Arti cle L. 241-8 LC).
Field of access to and supply of goods and services
According to Article 10(1) and (2) of amended Law of 21 Dec ember 2007, no person can
be subject to reprisals either by the protests or refusals opposed to an act or a behaviour
contrary to the principle of equal treatment or as a reaction to a complaint or any legal
proceedings aimed at enforcing compliance with the principle of equal treatment between
women and men. Likewise, no person can be subject to reprisals for having testified with
regard to such actions or for having recounted them.
Article 10(3) states that ‘any provision or act contrary to (1) and (2) is void ipso jure’.
Field of work and employment
According to Article L. 241-8 Sections 1 and 2 LC, no employee can be subject to reprisals
either by the protests or refusals opposed to an act or a behaviour contrary to the principle
of equal treatment or as a reaction to a complaint within the undertakin g or to any legal
proceedings aimed at enforcing compliance with the principle of equal treatment. Likewise,
no employee can be subject to reprisals for having testified with regard to such actions or
for having recounted them.
Article L. 241-8 Secti on 3 LC states that ‘any provision or act contrary to Sections 1 and
2, and especially any provision violating these provisions, is void ipso jure’. Emergency
court proceedings are foreseen by the law.
11.3 Access to courts
In response to the consultation with stakeholders organised by MEGA in preparation of the
Gender Equality Plan 2019 -2022, the Chamber of Employees (CSL) called for a major
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