Compliance and enforcement aspects (horizontal provisions of all directives)

AuthorBaci, Entela
11 Compliance and enforcement aspects (horizontal provisions of all
11.1 General (legal) context
Surveys and reports about the particular difficulties related to obtaining legal
Several reports contain inf ormation on issues relating to legal remedies an d access to
i. GREVIO’s (Baseline) Evaluation Report Albania (2017);277
ii. Study report on access to justice for vulnerable groups;278
iii. Report on the assessment of legal needs in Albania.279
i. GREVIO’s report presented seve ral findings and recommendations in relation to the
difficulties that victims of gender discrimination face in obtaining legal red ress in
Albania has developed a solid legislative framework to address domestic
violence, in the fields of both civil and criminal law. (…) Overall, however,
divergent int erpretation of laws in Albania tend to do a disservice to victims
and to deny them an effective ac cess to justice, for instance by promoting a
narrow interpretation of the offence of domestic violence or by introducing
mandatory conciliation in the procedure applying to emergency barring orders.
Thus, improved awareness amongst legal practitioners and judicial officials is
needed as regards the fundamental principles , which sh ould guide any
intervention in cases of violence against women.
There are a number of priority issues requiring further action by th e Albanian
authorities to comply fully with th e provisions of the Istanbul Convention:
review legal provisions applying to emergency barring orders referred to
under Albanian law as immediate prot ection orders to ensure that in
situations of immediate danger, such orders can be issued without undue delay
in order to ensure the victim’s safety; and establish and fund appropriately an
effective system of legal aid for the victims of all the forms of violence a gainst
women covered by the Convention.
GREVIO strongly encourages the Albanian authorities to:
o ensure that victims a re systematically informed of their right to claim
compensation and t he procedures to be foll owed, in accordance with
Article 58(1)(g) of the Albanian Code of Criminal Procedure;
o enable victim s to exercise their right to compensation by guaranteeing
them effective access to legal assistance and legal aid;
o strengthen the capacity of law practitioners to help victims claim
compensation and incorporating the issue of compensation in training
277 GREVIO (2017) GREVIO (Baseline) Evaluation Report on legislative and other measures giving effect to the
provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and
Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) Albania.
278 Komiteti Shqiptar i Helsinkit (Albanian Helsinki Committee) (2019), ‘Raport studimor per aksesin ne drejtesi
te grupeve vulnerable’ (Study report on access to justice for vulnerable groups), available at:
279 TLAS (Tirana Legal Aid Society) and ELSA (European Law Students Association) Albania (2018), Vleresimi i
nevojave ligjore ne Shqiperi (Report on the assessment of legal needs in Albania), available at:
280 GREVIO (2017) GREVIO (Baseline) Evaluation Report on legislative and other measures giving effect to the
provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and
Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) Albania, Paragraphs 8, 14-16, 33-36, available at:

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