Composition of the general court

AuthorCourt of Justice of the European Union
Annual Repor t 2018 | Judicial Act ivity
(Order of precedence as at 31 De cember 2018)
First row, from le ft to right:
. Labucka, Judge; A.M. Collins , President of Ch amber; G. Berardis, President of Chambe r; H. Kanninen,
President of Chamber; M. Prek, President of Chamb er; M. van der Woud e, Vice-President of the Court ;
M. Jaeger, President of the Court ; . Pelikánová, Presid ent of Chamber; S. Frimodt Nielsen, President of
Chamber; D. Gratsia s, President of Chamber; V. Tomljenović, President of Chamber; S. Ger vasoni, President
of Chamber; S. Pap asavvas, Judge
Second row, from lef t to right:
C. liopoulos, Ju dge; L. Madise, Judge; V. Kreuschitz, Jud ge; E. Buttigieg, Judge; J. Sc hwarcz, Judge; A. Dittr ich,
Judge; M. Kanche va, Judge; E. Bielinas, Judge; . Ull oa Rubio, Judge; .S. Forres ter, Judge
Third row, from lef t to right:
P. Nihoul, Judge; R. B arents, Judge; . Rei ne, Judge; A. Marcoulli , Judge; Z. Csehi, J udge; D. Spielmann, Judge;
L. Calvo-S otelo báñez-Martín, Judge; V. Valančius, Judge; N. Pótorak , Judge; F. Schalin, Judge; E. Perillo, Judge;
R. da Silva Passo s, Judge; B. Berke, Judge
Fourth row, fro m left to right:
E. Coulon, Registrar ; C. Mac Eochaidh, Judge; K. Kowalik-Ba czyk, Judge; M.J. Costeira, Judge; U. Öberg, Judge;
J. Svenningsen , Judge; O. Spineanu-Matei, Judge; J . Passer, Judge; A. Kornezov, Judge; G. De Baere , Judge

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