Concluding Remarks

AuthorFrontex (EU body or agency)
        
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Concluding Remarks
The successfu l functionin g of the EBCG is based o n a well-establ ished coordinat ion,
communication and planning system between the national components (national authorities
responsible fo r or involved in integrate d border management) and t he European (in part icular
Frontex) component.
A key aim is to develop a f‌l exible and inte grated use of info rmation, har monise the use of
capabilities and interoperable systems and tools at Union and national level. In order to optimally
utilise syne rgies, avoid parallel and dup lication of activitie s and eciently use intellig ence as
well as operational resources, EIBM shall also be interlinked with other strategies establishing
partnerships with entities active in the border management and return.
Frontex in cooper ation with MS/SAC – are driv ing the process of harmonis ation, integration
and developmen t of best practices in the f‌ie ld of IBM.
The fundamental aim of this strategy is to strengthen border management capacities and
capabilitie s under a single – and common - European r oof and vision.
By the adoption o f the TO EIBM by the Manag ement Board, t he journey tow ards fully
impl ementa tion of the EIB M commen ces. T he proc ess wil l be fac ilitat ed by th e esta blishm ent
of the HL IBM WG, whi ch will have a key role in develo ping the proposed ac tions and illustrat ive
activities further as well as advice on how best the TO EIBM should be revised in the future.
The TO EIBM is esta blished according to Ar t. 3 of the EBCG³⁰ and t he strategic obje ctives, acti ons
and activit ies are aiming at the end of t he forthcoming Mult iannual Financial Fram ework (MFF)
2021–2027. It is noted that de liberations are ongoi ng on the new MFF 2021–2027, the new EBCG
2.0 Regulati on with Multiannual IBM po licy cycle setting t he governance for theEIBM , a new
Standing Corps a nd other important c hanges. The result s of this work might lead to the ne ed
for amendment s/revisions, which will be de veloped in line with the rel evant legal provisions.
30 Regulatio n (EU) 2016/1624 of t he European Parl iament and of the Cou ncil of 14 Septemb er 2016 – Recita l 2 and
Article 4

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