
AuthorEuropean Institute for Gender Equality (EU body or agency)
European Institute for Gender Equality36
Effective implementation of risk assessment
and management procedures contribute to bet-
ter protec tion of the victim of intimate partner
violence and her children from further victimi-
The development of a more specialised legal and
policy framework on all levels national, EU and
international — should introduce a more sys tem-
atic and effective system for a better protec tion
of vic tims of intimate partner violence. In recent
years, the EU has enacted a number of legal ac ts,
which contribute to the protection of victims of
violence in general, and that of victims of gen-
der-based violence in par ticular. An example of
this is the introduc tion of provisions focused on
assessing the risk of intimate partner violence. As
a result, there is an obligation for the Member
States to further develop more specialised and
tailor-made mechanisms on risk assessment and
risk management at national level.
Risk assessment tools and instruments, and risk
assessment strategies, need to be regularly eval-
uated. A s it has be en indicated, research on the
accuracy of risk assessment instruments and on
the ef fectiveness of risk management s trategies
is scarce. An ev aluation of both of them would
highlight their advantages and limitations, and
would aid policymakers in the police sector in se-
lecting the mos t adequate instrument or devel-
oping a relevant one, tailor made to the needs of
each Member State.
It is imperative that new element s, such as the
victim-centred approach, inclusion of gender and
intersectionality aspects, as well as the estimation
of coercive control, are embedded in risk assess-
ment instruments, to enable the improvement
of their predic tive validit y and effectiveness. It is
also important that police officers who are going
to apply and develop more accurate procedures
receive the relevant training.
It is equally crucial to include aspects of inter-
sectionality in the training of police officers, to
enable the understanding of interconnection be-
tween individual characteristics such as race, dis-
ability, age, religion, immigration status, ethnicity
and sexual orientation. This helps more targeted
and holistic interventions that would meet vic-
tims needs to be drafted, and to be implemented
through multiagency mechanisms.
A more detailed proposal of how to develop gen-
der-sensitive and individualised risk assessment
procedures and holistic risk management strat-
egies can be found in EIGEs A guide to risk as-
sessment and risk management of intimate partner
violence against women for police.

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