
AuthorGiannetto, Andrea; Pagnini, Costanza
ESF support to investing in children Final Report
3 Conclusions
Throughout the report, we have seen that different types of operations can support
investments in children under the ESF/YEI. The se actions can be divided into three broad
categories: (inclusive) educati on and training operations, work-life balance and childcare
operations and other inclusive services, i ncluding a wide range of social services,
deinstitutionalisation and support to vulnerable children. These operati ons were
programmed and implemented in the vast majority of Member States and have led to
significant output and results being achieved. In general, the focus of this report has been
on information which could be linked clearly, though at times indirectly, to children. It
should however be acknowledged that, e.g., support to parents into employment and to
improve their posi tion in the labour market largely benefits children. Hence, there might
be underestimation and figures should be treated with caution.
3.1 Summary of the mapping of operations
Based on the analysis of the actions p lanned in OPs, we found that 25 Member State s
and 123 OPs overall foresaw pot entially relevant actions52 for support to
children, which represents 66% of the total number of OPs across the EU. This means
that more than half of ESF OPs might include operations concerned with investing
in children. Howev er, looking at programme specific indicators, w e found evidence of
relevant indicators across 19 Member Stat es53 and 69 OPs for output, and 20 Member
States54 and 83 OPs for results. This suggests that the number of OPs and Member States
actually focusing on children might be smal ler than those which list action in t heir 2014
programming documents which are, by their nature, more broad scope than then actual
implementation in order t o ensure sufficient flexibility. In any event, about half of the
Operational Programmes and most Member States cater for support to children. In
addition, general measures aimed at young participants across the board might involve
participants below 18 years old, further increasing the relevance of ESF/YEI support ev en
beyond what this study could identify based on current monitoring arrang ements.
Turning attention to the implementati on of those operations (based on information found
in the 2018 AIRs, the e-survey and th e progress of output and result indicators), we
found evidence of implemented operations that are relevant to investing in
children across a number of Member States and OPs comparable to the
programming figures, with progress registered in the majority of relevant indicators and
additional inputs from the e-survey even beyond those. Furthermore, the majority of
respondents to the e-survey, suggest that Annu al Implementation Reports tend to
underestimate the extent of support provided to children.
Our estimates display around EUR 18 billion of total relevant allocation for
investing in ch ildren, representin g around 10% of the total ESF allocati on, although
such figure should be treated with extreme caution as it is subject to strong bi as. The
results suggest that the hig hest relative allocations relevant to chi ldren are found under
IP 10i, 9iv, 9ii and 8iv. The relevant estimated allocation under IP 10i represents around
70% of th e total IP 10i allocation. Among Member States with more than one OP, s ome
display high relevant allocations which rep resent a high share of the total Member Stat es
52 Based on a word searches using terms such as “children”, “childcare”, “school”, “early school leaving”, “ESL”
53 BG, CY, CZ, DE, EE, ES, GR, HR, HU, IT, LT, LV, MT, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, UK, which become 21 with survey
data in 74 OPs.
54 AT, BG, CY, CZ, DE, EE, ES, GR, HR, HU, IT, LT, LV, MT, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, UK

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