Conclusions and policy recommendations

AuthorMehtonen, Susanna
The inte gration of refugee s in Finland
PE 638.397 27
5.1. Conclusions
Finla nd has a func tioni ng re cep tion a nd integr ation s ystem that has gone t hrough se veral changes , in
parti cular followi ng the surge of asylum applicants in 2015. Several legislative amendments in 2016
have cha nged t he functi oning of the as ylum proc edure and infri nged upon t he ri ght of as ylum s ee kers
to a fair procedure. The overall trend in recent years has been to try to m ake Finland a l ess attrac tive
destination country for asylum s eekers, rather than focusing on the international responsi bilities of
Finland to allow asylum seekers fair access to protection. While Finland still has a well-fun cti oni ng
reception system with a good level of preparedness, the impact of the recent amendments are
long-term. The res tricti ons of the asylum de termi nation procedure (as the restrictions on procedure
only app ly to as ylum see kers ) and the re stri cti ons on the right to family reunification create actual and
per ceived i nequalit y, othe rness and dis criminat ion among asylum seekers and refugees, which leads
to difficulties in integrating into society.
Several projects on integration have received EU funding and while there have been several successful
proj ect s with ne w inno vations a nd an accum ulati on of know-how, i ntegr ation activities should not rely
on proje ct-fundi ng as heavil y as t hey curre ntly do. Proje ct-bas ed integrati on is realised by different
actors , with di ffere nt timel ines and in differe nt re gions and areas of the country. It is essentially
fragmented integr ation. Integration is by de sign a long-te rm, holi stic undertaki ng - for many it is
perhaps even a life-long undertaking. Proj ect -based funding does not al low for the long-t e rm p l a nni ng
and activities required for thri ving integration.
5.2. Po licy recommendations
The main chall enges in term s of poli cy, relate to the perm anent cuts and restric tions made in the
asylum determination procedure after 2015. The lessons learnt from such restrictions is that restricting
free legal aid only pr olongs the procedure and p ushes t he focus of the asyl um de term ination
procedure to the appellate phase. It also leads to a rise in renewed applications and thus prol ongs the
overall length of the asylum procedure.
One of the key c hallenge s is that a lo t of the acti vitie s and expe rtise i n recept ion and integr ation in
Finland is fragmented to p roje cts that function wi th short-t erm proj ect fundi ng. This impairs the
devel opm ent of m ore c omp rehe nsive p ractic es and the sc ali ng of inform ation i nto l arge r aggre gates
and m ay thus als o undermine integration measures. On the whole it is therefore imperative to have
more long-ter m funding and large -scale projects, with enough flexibility to carry them out locally. This
would decrease the regional inequality of asylum seekers and refugees when i t comes to the ac cess
and quality of servi ces.
In addi tion to the policy recomm endations listed bel ow, some r esearch p rojects have very recently
pro duced i ntere sting and novel policy recommendations for integration and tools for b etter
underst anding i ntegrati on. For example: the TRU ST-project supported by the Academy of Finland
pro duced a roadmap for the integration of unaccompanied minors82 and the curre ntly r unning
Dwe ll ers in Ag ile Citie s proj ect has p roduc ed a two-way research-based integrat ion path for adul ts who
82 Anna-Kaisa Kuusisto & Kristiina Korjonen-Kuusipuro, 2018, Tiekartta: Yksin tulleiden alaikaisten maahanmuuttajien kuulumisen tunteen
tukeminen ja sosi aalisen tuen k ehi t tamine n Suomessa.
Avail able at : nt/u pload s/2 018/ 09/Fi nal _Trus t_Ti ekar tta.p df.

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