Conclusions and recommendation to european parliament

AuthorPietruchova, Olga
Access to abortion services for women in the EU - Slovakia
PE 659.922 19
Because of the fact, that the domain of health is a responsibility of Member States (MS), the mandate
of European institution on SRHR is rather limited. However, this problem is much broader than only a
question of health. SHRH are covering the fundamental rights of women and men to family planning
which is an essential and inherent part of the right to privacy and family life. Furthermore, for women,
it is intricately connected with human rights to self-determination, non-discrimination, and equal
treatment. Those are all domains where the Lisbon Treaty gives the EU power to interfere with the
national policies.
In my opinion, besides the recommendations subsumed in Box 1 and Box 2, the FEMM committee and
the European Parliament should:
Recall non-discrimination and gender equality principles and the respect for rights embedded
in the Charter of Fundamental Rights as the right to dignity, the integrity of the person,
prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, right to liberty and security of
person, respect for private and family life, freedom of religion and equality between men and
women to safeguard the personal integrity and free choice of women across EU.
Pay attention and monitor how the MS implement the international human rights
treaties recommendations, in this case, particular those by the CEDAW committee.
Call for the MS to guarantee consumer rights, the free movement of goods and the right to the
high level of human health protection to uphold the equal access of women to medical
abortion across the EU especially during the COVID-19 pandemics as a more secure way
for women seeking an abortion.
Pay attention to the situation of civil society, particularly women´s NGOs in their advocacy
role and ensure that they can access EU funds including those by the European Social Fund in
the new programming period, the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme and other
funding schemes.

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