Consequences of Criminals in Economy

AuthorShaban Sulejmani
Vol. 4 No. 1
March, 2018
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-3918
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Consequences of Criminals in Economy
Shaban Sulejmani
The criminal in all its forms is not an occurrence which is connected to a particular country,
territory, religion or civilisation; however the truth witnessed by events in every moment is
that the occurrence of criminal activities does not have a nation, confession, religious beliefs or
identity. They are initiated by the hands of the individual who plans it, especially emphasizing
the ones who nance it and input ‘rented’ elements with the initial intention to destroy, damage
and ruin the economy and kill and shed blood as well, followed by the intention to deceit
people through focusing on speci c religious beliefs sometimes, as well as human rights some
other time. Thus, every problem can be observed through collecting a number of important
elements which are presented below:
- Manifestation of the topic of the problem, which involves the type of activity around which
the problem is developing, in order to stop its progress and development and nally, to end
the e orts which are being spent for it;
- Manifestation of the size of the problem, which involves highlighting the elds a ected by
the problem, starting from the economic, social, political and other dangers that it involves;
- Manifestation of the direct consequence of criminal activities problem, observing it from an
objective point of view.
Keywords: criminal, consequence, economy, business.
Given that criminal activities are some of the most dangerous problems that are
a ecting almost every human society, not ma er whether the society is a developed
one or in development, that is the reason of presenting this paper. The anxiety from
criminal itself and the consequences that follow the criminal acts and activities are
present everywhere in the world. Crime and criminal activities will be neutralized
and stopped in such a manner to disable criminals to cause damages, between others,
to the economic sector, which is currently besides other objectives, one of their most
primary objectives.
Through this paper, we would like to talk about the notorious occurrence of criminal,
which is spread almost in every corner of the world without any exceptions and how
it has found its place in every pore of human society. If we really want to avoid all
types of consequences from criminal activities, including the economic ones too,
we need sincerity and seriousness, not only declarative ones, for ghting against
all types of crime. However, all this can be achieved through precise, e cient and
correct implementation of the law.
We are saying that the consequences from the criminal of all types are multi-
dimensional and multiple. They are a ecting subjects who su er from the
consequences of implemented criminal activities, as well as objects a ected by
those crimes, which can be the following ones: all people in general, the commercial

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