Consumer situation in the market

AuthorBergsaker, Trygve
Consum er mar ket stud y on the fun ctio ning of the r eal estate servi ces for consum ers in the EU Coun try Fiche Norw ay
11. Consum er situation in th e mar ket
11.1 Consum er right s
Ta ble 26: Co nsu me r r igh ts
Ar e t he re specif ic con sum er ri ght s in
th e con text of re al est ate
tr an sact ion s an d r eside ntia l
ten ancie s in yo ur cou ntr y?
I n pa rt icul ar: ar e r esi den tia l t enan ts
tre at ed as con sum er s?
Wit h r espect to buy ers
Yes, prim arily accordin g t o the Sale of Real Pro pert y Act 19 92 and th e
Const ruct ion an d Sale o f New Houses Act 1997. The legisl ation secures the
consum ers (especia lly buyers and tenant s) mand ator y r ight s and rem edi es.
Wit h r espect to selle rs
Onl y a few
Wit h r espect to ten ants
Yes, p rimari ly according to the Tenancy Act 1999 . The legislati on secu res t he
consum ers (especia lly buyers and tenant s) mand ator y r ight s an d remedi es.
Wit h r espect to landlords
Som e, a ccording to the Te nancy Act 199 9
W hich ex ist ing ma rk etin g pra ctice s
ar e n on-co mp liant w ith EU cons um er
Market ing pra ctices not alw ays co mpl y wit h con sumer legislat ion, but it is not easy to poi nt at speci fic i ssues.
W hich ex ist ing mar ke tin g p racti ces
ar e n on-co mp liant w ith EU cons um er
As a bove
Ar e t he re exist ing m arke ti ng
pr act ices detr im enta l t o co nsu me rs,
ev en if not ne cessari ly ille gal , in
bo th dom esti c an d c ross-bord er
tr a nsactions?
Exam ples of det rim ent al m ark eti ng pr acti ces ar e:
Misleading o r unbalan ced i nfor mat ion on t he p ropert y
Misl eading inf orm ation on the pri ce t he se ller will be w illi ng to accep t i n or der to st art an auct ion ;
Misl eading inf orm ation on com pet ing bid s in ord er t o a chiev e a high er bid;
Misle ading or false info rmati on on th e leg al st atus of room s or pa rts of t he h ouse, for instance
concerning t he legal possibi lity to hav e a t enan t i n the grou nd floor “ap art ment” or in the at tic et c.

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