Coordination at national level

AuthorMaja Kostić-Mandić
In Montenegro, there is a widespread networ k of institutional forms of protection against
discrimination, the basis of wh ich is formed by t he institution of the Protector of Human
Rights and Freedoms and the judicial authorities, misdemeanour courts and inspection
services. In addition, a number of other institutions deal with the protection of hu man
rights and freedoms with the aim of eliminating discrimination fr om society (such as the
Committee for Human Rig hts and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Coun cil
for Civil Monitoring of the Police and regulatory agencies).
In the executive system, the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights has a key role in
promoting and protecting human rights. The Ministry performs administrative tasks as
follows: protection of h uman rights and fr eedoms, if such protection is not within the
competence of othe r ministries; imp rovement and promotion of human righ ts and
freedoms and protection against discrimination; monitoring the implementation of anti -
discrimination legislation; and education and promotion of anti-discrimination behaviour
and practices. In addition, the Ministry monitors the realisation and protection of the rights
of members of minority nations and other minority national communities in relation to their
national, ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity; monitors progress on gender
equality and the protection of the rights of religious communities in Montenegro; monitors
the improvement of the stat us of Roma and their integration into soci ety; and performs
other tasks within its competence. In this context, two independent departments hav e
been established within the Ministry: the Department f or Gender Equality and th e
Department for th e Improvement and Protection of the Rights of the Roma and E gyptian
The Committee for Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro, in
accordance with its responsibilities, r eviews draft laws, other regulations and g eneral acts
and other issu es relating to: human and civil rights and fr eedoms, with special emphasis
on minority rights; and the application of ratified international acts which are related to the
protection and promotion of the right to equality. It monitors the execution of documents,
measures and activities for enhancing equality on all grounds.
Other ministries are responsible for coordinating and dealing with anti-discrimination and
equal opp ortunities, i ncluding the Ministry of L abour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of
Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Culture.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare is responsible for the protection of people with
disabilities, elderly people and children, as well as for the areas of employment, social and
child welfare. The other ministries mentioned above generally have responsibilities in
relation to particular a reas of the life of society, rather than to grounds of discrimination.
Each ministry is the policy maker an d coordinator of intersectional cooperation in respect
of the specific discrimination issues which fall within its remit. There seem to be no
contradictions among the ministries with regard to decisions or political lin es.
In 2011, the Government of Mont enegro adopted a Decision on establ ishing a Council on
the Prohibition of Discrimination as a national body for promoting non -discrimination and
coordinating anti-discrimination activities at national level. Its main task s were to:
- Monitor and coordinate the activities of state bodies, state authorities and other
competent institutions in the application of statutory mechanisms for protection
against all forms of discrimination;
- Analyse the regulations in terms of their compliance with international stan dards on
protection against all forms of discrimination and, if necessary, initiate amendments;
- Analyse the implementat ion of administrative measures taken by the competent
authorities in relation to the provision of protection against all forms of discrimination

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