Coordination at national level

AuthorLøvdal, Lene
The Ministry of Children and Equality is usually responsible for dealing with anti-
discrimination in relation to the grounds covered by the GEADA, but late in 2018 the
equality and anti-discrimination issues were moved to the Ministry for Culture, with effect
from 2019. This is due to the Christian Democrats entering the Government and taking
the post of the Minister for Children, Youth and Family Affairs.
The Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs is responsible for dealing with the anti -
discrimination provisions of the WEA, which relate to age. Additionally, the Ministry for
Labour and Social Affairs is responsible for the work on an inclusive working life, which is
targeted at employees temporarily or permanently disabled and measures to promote
their return to paid employment. A job strategy for young people with disabilities was
presented in January 2012.319
The Ministry for Local Government and Modernisation is responsible for Samis and
national minorities.320
The Ministry for Justice and Public Security is responsible for immigration, while the
Ministry for Knowledge and Education is responsible for integration issues.
In a white paper on the organisation of the Norwegian Government’s policy
implementation on equality and anti-discrimination, the lack of coordination and
cooperation across different sectors was strongly criticised.321 To remedy this, the same
report proposed the cr eation of a directorate responsible for th e coordination of such
work, which led to the creation of the d epartment of equality and anti-discrimination in
the Directorate f or Children, Youth and Family Affairs. The department lists the following
to provide a good knowledge basis and promote equality in all areas o f society;
to have a holistic perspective and initiate work for equality on all grounds of
to have a targeted and established corporation with selected sectors ;
to coordinate efforts and implement Government policies across all sectors ; and
to contribute to equivalent services from the public sector.322
Among other things, the department plays a major role in developing and implementing
Government action plans.
There is a Government strategy against hate speech, which expires in 2020. Since
several serving and previous ministers in this Government have us ed hate speech in
public on several occasions,323 this strategy cannot be called a success.
The Government plan of action against discrimination because of sexual orientation,
gender identity and gender expression covers the period 2017-2020, and contains 43
specific measures to be implemented during that time. The title of the action plan is:
‘Safety, openness and diversity: the Government plan of action against discrimination
because of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expressions’. The title apt ly
319 See, in English.
321 NOU 2011:18 Structure for Equality. See
2011-18.html?id=663064 (in Norwegian). For an English summary of the report, see
322 Email to the author from BufDir (12 April 2019), translated by the author.
323 This concerns several of the former ministers from the Progress Party. This party has now left the
Government coalition. For example, a former Minister for Justice, Per Willy Amundsen, has repeatedly,
especially after leaving his post as a minister, made dehumanising and generalising statements about
immigrants and Muslims.

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