Coordination at national level

AuthorDurbáková, Vanda
In accordance with the Act on the Organisation of the Activities of the Government and on
the Organisation of the Central State Administration,438 the Ministry of Labour, Social
Affairs and Family is the central state administration body for ‘gender equality and equal
opportunities and for the coordination of state policies in this field’. 439
Since 1 September 2015, the Ministry of Justice has been responsible for coordinating the
fulfilment of human rights tasks and provides for the development and implementation of
state policies in the field of human rights.440
Following the adoption of the ‘National Strategy for the Protection and Promotion of Human
Rights in the Slovak Repub lic’ in 2015Ľ441 on 13 January 2016, the Slovak Government
adopted the ‘Action Plan to Prevent All Forms of Discrimination 2016-2019’.442 On the same
dayĽ the Government also adopted the ‘Action Plan to Prevent and Elimi nate All Forms of
Racism, Xenophobia, Anti-Semitism and Other Forms of Intolerance 2016-2018’.443 In
2015Ľ the draft ‘Action Pl an for LGBTI People for 2016-2019’ was also prepared by the
Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the LGBTI a ctivist community.444 However, as of
the end of 2019, this action plan had still not been adopted. On 26 October 2016, the
Government adopted the ‘Action Plan on the Protection of Persons Belonging to the National
Minorities and Ethnic Groups 2016–2020’.445
The Governments policy concerning the integration of Roma living in marginalised
communities is set out in the ‘Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Roma Integration to
2020’Ľ which was adopted on 11 January 2012.446 The strategy is an ‘open document’ to
be supplemented by action plans, which specifies policies and measures to be implemented
in selected areas. On 17 January 2019, the Slovak Government adopted updated action
plans supplementing the existing strategy in the areas of education, employment, health,
housing and financial inclusion.447
438 Act on the Organisation of the Activities of the Government and on the Organisation of the Central State
Administration, 575/2001.
439 Act on the Organisation of the Activities of the Government and on the Organisation of the Central State
Administration, 575/2001, Section 15(1)(h).
440 By the amendment to the Act on the Organisation of the Activities of the Government and on the
Organisation of the Central State Administration, No. 172/2015.
441 Available at:
442 Akčný plán predchádzania všetkým formám diskriminácie na roky 2016-2019. Available at:
443 Akčný plán predchádzania a eliminácie rasizmu, xenofóbie, antisemitizmu a ostatných foriem intolerancie na
roky 2016 -2018, available at:
444 Akčný plán pre LGBTI udí na roky 2016-2019.
445 Akčný plán ochrany práv osôb patriacich k národnostným menšinám a etnickým skupinám na roky 2016 –
2020. Available at:
446 Slovakia (2012) ‘Strategy of the Slovak Republic for the Integration of Roma to 2020’. Available at:
447 Aktualizované akčné plány Stratégie Slovenskej republiky pre integráciu Rómov do roku 2020 na roky 2019
- 2020 pre oblasti: D.2.1 Oblas vzdelávania, D.2.2 Oblas zamestnanosti, D.2.3 Oblas zdravia, D.2.4
Oblas bývania a D.2.5 Oblas finančného začlenenia. Available at

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