Correct gender socializing in school avoids the fabrication of divisions among girls and boys

AuthorMarta Topçiu
PositionUniversity 'A.Xhuvani' Elbasan
ISSN 2410-3918 Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences Vol 1 No 2
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania July 2015
Correct gender socializing in school avoids the fabrication of divisions
among girls and boys
Dr. Marta Topçiu
University “A.Xhuvani” Elbasan
e paradigm of gender based role socializing is supported by the postulate: men and women
learn gender based attitudes and behaviours of the environment which surrounds them. Gender
based socializing serves to teach individuals the dierence between sexes, as well as, the hierarchy
between them. Education is an extremely important instrument whereby social change can be
achieved. School should take the indispensable responsibility to clearly demonstrate that both
genders possess equal values in the present society. It is time for the education in schools to
seriously take in consideration issues concerning gender based education with a view to prevent
the violation of women’s and girls’ rights and integrity in both, private and public environments.
It is time for the education in schools to lend a helping hand in addressing pupils toward non-
traditional stereotypes, yet in development. is education should similarly focus on the natural
dierence between both genders and the equity between them. School remains one of the social
institutions that should set up intentional gender education. Especially the secondary education
cycle which coincides with the “culminating age” of the youth development should identify the
latter one as a necessity. To avoid the creation of a masculine subjectivity, radically dierent
from the feminine one, school education ought to be led by a correct, armative, representative,
integrative curriculum that includes experiences, necessities and interests of girls and boys.
Keywords: Gender based socializing, gender based equity, education, and gender based stereotypes.
Socializing, according to the sociologist Muriel Darmon, constitutes the entirety of the
processes whereby the individual himself/herself is built (is educated, is shaped, is formed,
is fabricated, and is elaborated) by both, the local and global society where he/she lives.
To him/her this is a process during which the individual provides (learns, appropriates,
integrates) ways of doing, thinking, and being in accordance with the surrounding
environment. Socializing is conceived as a programming process in order to accomplish
certain duties within a complex system. Roles represent the way the individual contributes
within this system. e same thing happens with the social and gender based roles, which
has a pivotal importance for the personal identity. Gender is seen as a social and dynamic
structure, originating from the cultural and subjective indicators, which change in time
and space. e idea that gender is a “social building” may seem equally abstract and
arbitrary. Since its inception, gender based sociology was focused on the ways whereby
gender is taught and transmitted from a generation to another. ese ways, according to
Emile Durkheim, exercise an external impact on the individual. Gender based studies have
put in their foundations the analysis of socializing. roughout gender based socializing

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