Council Directive of 19 November 1973 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to material measures of length (73/362/EEC)

Published date05 December 1973
Subject MatterInternal market - Principles,Technical barriers,Approximation of laws
Official Gazette PublicationOfficial Journal of the European Communities, L 335, 5 December 1973
TESTO consolidato: 31973L0362 — IT — 30.10.2006

1973L0362 — IT — 30.10.2006 — 003.001

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►B DIRETTIVA DEL CONSIGLIO del 19 novembre 1973 per il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative alle misure lineari materializzate (73/362/CEE) (GU L 335, 5.12.1973, p.56)

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Gazzetta ufficiale
n. pag. data
Direttiva 2004/22/CE

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