Criminal offenses against the safety of public traffic in the comparative plan with countries of Western Balkan

AuthorGranit Gërvalla
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 3 No. 2
June, 2019
ISSN 2519-1284
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Criminal o enses against the safety of public tra c in the comparative plan
with countries of Western Balkan
MSc. Granit Gërvalla
This paper gives vital, important explanations for the notion of criminal o ense averse to
the safety in public tra c, types of o enses and particularly, the research paper analyzes the
comparative aspect of Western Balkan countries legislation with the legislation of the Republic
of Kosovo.The paper aims to a ain these objectives:
Make a detailed elaboration of the Criminal Code of Kosovo with a notable view of the
part concerning with criminal o enses against the safety of public tra c, so that through a
comparative method of this section, to bring a clear picture of these o enses and sanctions
that this code determines for the perpetrator.
To make a detailed elaboration of the Criminal Codes in Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro,
Croatia and Serbia, comparing their legislation with our legislation and with notable
emphasis we have stopped at the criminal o enses against the safety of public tra c.
As conclusion of this research, it was found that the criminal o enses against the safety of public
tra c in Kosovo have marked a high presence and this was determined by the large number
of accidents and other violations of the road tra c rules and regulations. It is recommended
that the Basic Courts in Kosovo's territory, throughout handling criminal cases in the eld of
public safety and the issuance of judgments, shall focus on aggravating circumstances and to
consider the human, economic and social damage that these criminal o enses cause to citizens
of the Republic of Kosovo.
Keywords: Tra c, Court, Criminal O enses, Public, Safety, Territory, Roads, Legislation.
The fast development of road tra c or tra c as a whole requires many measures that
are taken with the objective of reinforcing tra c safety. But despite this, accidents
happen every day in tra c, which not only are causing great material damage, but
also human being injuries, including many deaths. Due to the theoretical aspect of
this issue it can be said that the investigation of criminal o enses against the safety
of public tra c in the post-war period and at the time in Kosovo is undergoing a
sensitive stage of transition of particular importance because the cases of these
criminal o enses are numerous and the phenomenon is widespread.
Therefore, this study is thought to have a precious and multiple theoretical value as
to the expansion and deepening of knowledge about the general and special factors
a ecting the criminal o enses against the safety of public tra c. In this paper I will
analyze how the Western Balkan countries deal with o enses against tra c safety,
the Albanian Legislation, the Macedonian Legislation, the Montenegrin Legislation,
Bosnia's Legislation, Croatia's Legislation, Serbia's Legislation, with emphasis on
speci c criminal o enses against tra c safety which will be elaborated, analyzed,
and be treated in a comparative manner with Kosovo’s legislation.

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