
AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), European Centre of Expertise (ECE)
Flash Re por t 1 2/2018
Decem ber 20 18
Sum ma ry
( I) Th e f ollo wi ng acts were re cent ly ad opt ed: t he St ate I nspe cto rat e Ac t, th e Mi nim um
Wage Act and t he La bour Mark et Act .
(I I) The Constit utional Court has decided that the judgm ent of the Suprem e Cour t of
th e Rep ubli c of Croa tia on the u nlaw ful ness of t he str ike of Croat ia Airli nes em ploy ees
is in line wit h t he Con stit uti on.
(I II ) When calculating salary compensation du ring annual leav e, em ployers n eed to
take int o account the j udgment of the CJEU ru ling in case C-385/ 17,
13 December
2018, Hein.
(I V) The an nual quot a for t he em ployment of alien s for 201 9 as w ell as t he decision
on the lowest amou nt of d aily w age of seasonal wo rker s in agr icult ure f or 2 019 hav e
been publ ished in the Official Gazet te.
(V ) The N ati onal Coll ect ive Agr eem ent f or Croa tia n Se afar ers on Shi ps i n I nt er nati onal
Navigation (20 19-2 010) as well as t he Collective Agr eement f or Science and Higher
Educat ion hav e been concl uded.
(VI) The amendm ent t o t he regu lations
on em ployment incentives for persons with
disabilit ies has bee n issu ed.
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1 Nation al Le gislat ion
1.1 St at e I n spect ora te A ct
The Stat e I nspector at e Act h as been adopt ed (Off icial Gazet t e No. 115/ 2018). I t has
replaced, among ot hers, the Labour Insp ector ate Act of 201 4. The labour inspector ate
is no lon ger an adm inistrativ e bo dy within the Ministry of Labou r and Pension System
but is n ow part of th e Stat e I nspect orate.
1.2 Min imum Wage Act
The Minim um Wage Act has been adop t ed ( Of ficial Gazette No. 118/ 2018). The
legislat or’ s object ive is to gradu ally in crea se the m inim um wage r elat ive to the av erage
sala ry.
The Amen dment to the Minim um Wa ge Act of 2017 had intr oduced the r ight for certain
em ploy er s to a 50 per cen t redu ced base for the p ay m en t of social security
contribu t ions. This r ight has been abolished by the new Minim um Wage Act bu t a
transitional per iod u ntil t he end of 2 020 has been introdu ced for such em ploy ers ( in
2019 , the 50 p er cent r ed uced base w ill apply, bu t in 2010, that base will only be 25
per cent).
The novelt y is the ex clusion of em ploy ees w ho ar e also m em bers of the board of
dir ectors or executive d ir ectors, liquidators, et c. fr om t he righ t to minim um wage
(Art icle 4 ( 2)). The pur pose of th is prov ision is to r educe the b urden of so- called m icro
em ploy ers, w ho n ow no longer have to pay minim um w age.
The Min ister of Labour need s to take more par amet ers int o account than before wh en
det erm ining the amount of minim um wage ( Ar t icle 6( 3 ) ) . A new advisory body
(Com m ission of Experts) is introdu ced (Article 7) . Its task is to monit or and analyse
minim um w ages.

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