Culture of Elbasan from 1908 up to 1943

AuthorElvin Elezi
Position'Sami Frashëri' High-school
Vol. 1 No. 2
June, 2017
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
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Culture of Elbasan from 1908 up to 1943
PhD (C.) Elvin Elezi
“Sami Frashëri” High-school
In this work are treated activities cultural, artistic activities developed in the prefecture of
Elbasan in the rst half of century xx. Chronological order of organization of the Albania
national cultural, artistic activities documented and which are treated in this work dates
with the announcement of the Turkish constitution in 1908 until the eve of the Word War II.
Curtain of artistic performances in the national language in the prefecture of Elbasan have
been opened with artistic parts in the eld of theater, in improvised environment of school,
a er failure for objective reasons of rehearsal of another theatrical part at the turn of years
1913-1914. Developments in the eld of theater will be followed by artistic performances in
musical city in Elbasan, which was the center of prefecture. The combination theatrical and
artistic performances have been two main directions of the development of culture in artistic
performances plan in the prefecture of Elbasan till the year 1943. Artistic parts enacted on the
stage are presented with a wide variety of art. Implementers of artistic performances expect
theatrical groups aerated by cultural societies, were also pupils of schools and their teachers.
Keywords: national culture, performances, prefecture of Elbasan roduction.
Cultural developments the some as educational ones in motive language in
Albania which was under o oman empire until November 1912 are associated
with announcement of the Turkish constitution in the meaning of freedom in the
legality for the whole country and not in persecution and prohibition by the o oman
authorities. The Turkish constitution sanctioned the freedom of educational and
cultural activities of the people who were under its rule. Immediately a er admission
of the delivery language and culture in motive language, patriots of the region of
Elbasan, in this city reestablish “Aferdita” club with the clear task: Development of
national culture, as a patriotic act.
Cultural and artistic activities in the Elbasan district started in the end of the rst
decade of the XX century. It was founded by the creation of the club in Elbasan
"Afërdita (Venus)", it was said was formed in 1908 (ASHVE, 1947, File. 13, 31). A er
the declaration of the Turkish Constitution (Hyrjetit), they have a patriotic movement
within the population in Elbasan not only in the eld of education but also its national
culture. In this regard, a prominent part of Elbasan society made a commitment to
establish a patriotic theater group who will be demonstrated to the public, at least
part patriotic. The task of forming the group have made a commitment to engage in
the club "Afërdita", as mentioned at the start of the article, formed in 1909 (Pajuni,
1967, 21).
Around 1913, Elbasan created a cultural society, an artistic group called "Llauta

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